Thank you Zeus for the awesome feedback, I'm super happy to hear this story, and thanks so much for the very kind words, that means alot!!! Very cool!!

Also BD, alot of us believed you, I know I did..thanx for starting this thread as well, its really brought some positive attention to the possibility of the pheromones. I think its awesome so many guys are getting solid hits

And for everyone else thank you for being part of this thread. Burly I have to hope that these are a home run for you. I know you are waiting for just the right moment, but you know what you have been so cool, just send me ur address again, pick a scent and I will send it to you free. I want you to be able to try these on an average day. If they work, awesome, if they don't, no worries no harm done. Hopefully you at least like the scent.

As for keeping these on the down low..they have been getting some fair attention to be honest. Statistically I'd say I'm at over 400 sold, a ton of repeat customers. Even the people who did not get hits with one or two application said they have liked the def. a win win on that note.

As a favor to the Swole Source family (Cobalt perfect timing).I was gonna do a sale for 2 days this weekend. But screw it, lets do it until Saturday night of this weekend.

ANY 3mL spray MINI of your choice of scent, I don't care what it is..and that includes CREED..which is MEGA expensive, ANY SCENT, just not the 3mL raw or DECANT kit of your choice $15 dollars shipped.

I have 4 creed 3mL's left and Femme Fatale is in by end of the week, so if you order it now, please bare with me I cannot ship until probably Friday.

Mind you, I will probably lose a little money on this..but I am not going to offer this Store Wide. Only here. And I do usually send free goodies, but I will not be able to on this deal, bc as is I am taking a loss and all the bottles, samples, and little odds and ends that go into these adds up very quickly.

The one catch is this:

I will need anyone to pay via PAYPAL. My address is "" In the message section, please state your address and scent of choice. Please send the funds as "friends or family" so I don't get hit with more fees please.

For anyone who does not have paypal who wants in on this..simply email me at "" and I will figure out a way to do a manual entry. Or I will even put up a Special offer in the SALES and SPECIALS section if the demand is that high, and I will list all of the scent options with this sale.

Just another way to say THANK YOU to Swole Source.

In regards to stories...I have dozens this month alone. I had one today on the treadmill. Young girl couldn't stop looking at me repeatedly and trying to get as close as she could. Too funny. These scents are awesome when you get hits.