Started this shite at 24
Withing weeks couldn't get hard on fucking a hot girl
Had no sex on finasteride of any note
Crashed after seven-year after getting watery ejaculate
Found pH before crash
Email.seb to spam could y log on until after crash
Two years in hell
From 2012 star to feeling good
Feel very good in 2013
Did fuck all just wanked
Enjoyed life but didn't even work
Then this dirty fucking orange cunts
The lockdown felt great but that shite went in for two years and as we came.out I was crashing slowly

Ten years good health and PFS is. I further forward

Cdnuts fucking wasted my time.hcg would have cured me

Or even just taking ZMA again

Fucking twat with his T boosting herbs

I had my own protocol his was shite