Just a little backstory:
Im 24 now and for the past 4 years have basically just had injury after injury that has made my time in the gym very on-and-off. I started lifting back when I was 13 for soccer and then freshman year of high school joined our schools olympic weight lifting team(yeah I was lucky enough to have professionals train me for 4 years) Anyways, between high school and now, Ive torn my left acl twice(soccer), tore multiple ligaments in my ankle(ex-gf+stairs=bad), and have now recovered from a torn rotator cuff(1st lifting related injury ever). Also I have a rotated hip but that doesnt effect my ability to lift.

I usually have a lot of difficulty putting on muscle unless I basically double my calories. The problem is, I'm basically skinny-fat now due to all the time off over and over again. Now that I'm 100% again and able to workout I originally wanted to cut simply because I've got a little extra chub on my midsection, but now I'm starting to think it's not even worth it, and instead just focus on getting strength and size back. Because I dont wanna be walking around at 5'11 and 145lbs if I'm back down to single digit bf%

Opinions? Figured Id try and get some advice since I know a lot of you guys were very helpful back in the PP community

multiple injuries
went from in great to shape to skinny fat
dont know if I should cut down and just be skinny, or bulk up anyways