Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
I'm not on TRT, tough I may join club at some point. Anyway- your question: "did you try everything possible to naturally get the juices flowing again before doing replacement?

Well, honestly there are not many possibilites there, really... Things like "SERM restart or clomid restart" work only for people who have "glitch" in a system, for people with congenital hypogonadism or with testicular trauma or damage or brain injury or infection that affects hypotalamus or pituary, it does not really work. Of all pre-TRT folks, restarts would work for minority of people.
Raising testosterone natural is usually expensive and it can only raise t levels for maybe 200 points, maybe bit more- so its ok if your natural levels are 600 ng/dl, if they are 300-400 even with raise using test boosters one will still be in "grey zone"
and most of this methods dont raise free test, apart of DAA which potentially can cause death of brain cells- and free test is what makes us happy
so unfortunately for majority TRT/HRT is best option. Another option is to improve financial status to as many homeopaths and research companies as possible. Thats good for economy, but usually not for patient.

Lastly- there are quite few folks out there who had tt levels of around 800 ng/dl, but with high SHBG levels they did not have much of it, as altough tt has its own receptors- it cannot cross blood-brain-barrier, and if it cant than it cant makes as happy.
Many of these guys were quite miserable (despite high tt), took testosterone injection and next day wake up as completely different person.
It just seems like alot of guys are going to TRT that don't have any of the problems you mentioned. I could see it make sense to jump on if you have some of the congenital defects you speak of, but alot of times what we're seeing are guys that are just not taking care of themselves, putting their T in the basement and then jumping on TRT without doing what they should to clean up their acts. (Not talking about any of you guys, just what I see in general) That's why I'm asking....out of curiousity.

I was damaged by propecia years ago and have since made a full recovery. I used the info on this site Boost Your Low Testosterone! Increase Low T Levels Naturally to get most of it done naturally. There is some great info on this site and not just your general run of the mill stuff. I thought about doing TRT as well, but wanted to exhaust all possible avenues of natural recovery before making a lifelong commitment.

The four cycles of androhard of course helped my body create the enzymes that were destroyed by propecia. That, and the numerous emails with Eric sent me back to the land of the living.

The point is, I wanted to share this info to guys that may find it usefull. Nothing more.