Squat- 125x5, 125x5, 135x5, 135x5, 135x5
Deadlift- 195x4
Standing Military press- 70x5(5 sets)
BB Row- 115x5, 115x5, 115x5, 125x5, 125x3
Close Gripe Bench- 85x8, 85x8, 85x8
BB Curl- 40x8, 40x8, 50x6
Kneeling Cable Crunch- 80x20, 100x20, 100x20

After the last set of squats I already felt like I was gassing out, the last two reps I really had to fight to get up but I was happy with it. Also think Im gonna need to buy some straps, my grip was really slipping. This workout kicked my butt, I hit failure on multiple body parts, by the time I got to the cable crunches I was flat out exhausted.