I wish the answer were simply yes and as has been pointed out there is a qualitative 'memory' effect but a couple cautionary points when interpreting this particular study:
1) 14 days on the strong side of the pellet release curve is, time-wise, approximately a year on cycle for you.
2) Quantity-wise, it would be almost 10g of test for you (though the time distortion probably means you can pick (1) or (2) as your source of positive bias instead of both). So, ippy's set, but for the rest of us...
3) Female mice, so if you picked (1) earlier now you can put (2) back on the table. On a related note, if you enjoyed reading the full version of this study you'll also like this one: Visualising Androgen Receptor Activity in Male and Female Mice

I do think there is some long-term post-doping (note the sponsoring agency's agenda, btw - I'm sure the scientists were somewhat independent but it's still worth noting) benefit within the standard confines of "use it or lose it", however, I think the design of this study intentionally exaggerates the effect so as to enable exploring the mechanism of action. That's a noble cause in and of itself, it just means we shouldn't get too excited about the magnitude of this effect in humans who run 'normal' cycles and have concerns foreign to the mice (such as ever seeing their testicles again much less using them to procreate, or not going postal at work because of the 240/160 blood pressure)

Anyway, thanks for posting, this is a topic that does need much more study and discussion.