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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 ryhigh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USN HM 350Z View Post
    go for a Masters in Health Care administration. Ever expanding with excellent pay. I am finishing up mine in the near future and then probably going to work on a second graduate degree, thinking MBA.
    Yeah? I have my BS in Marketing & Business Admin. I have a couple friends who got their BS in Healthcare admin, they like it but i never looked into it. Ahhhhh so man choices, and idk what i want to spend even more money on.!!! I don't even know what i want to take, which is the biggest problem, im already $75 g's in debt just for my BS and the money for my Masters is making me even more nervous on what i should actually study
    Been juicing since CapriSun

  2. #12
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 ryhigh's Avatar
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    Sperwer if you ever have time id love your input too. We talked before about your success i think, love some real life experience. Gracias. Starting a Ryan needs to get edjumacated fund, any one feel free to pitch in
    Been juicing since CapriSun

  3. #13
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) h2s's Avatar
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    I graduated with a marketing degree!

    ...and now I am a senior financial analyst at a bank. Don't waste your time with marketing. I was naive, and thought I would work for a google-type office coming up with cool ideas for commercials. Out of all of my friends from marketing (many) only one has a position that deals with actual ads. The rest are in product placement (minority) or backroom research (most), and that is the ones that were able to get jobs.

    If I could do it again, finance.

  4. #14
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Right Hook's Avatar
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    Any Business Grads?

    BS - Economics - What it taught me had been extremely valuable throughout my career.

    MBA - Valuable at a high level. It's not actually useful to a young person in entry level or low level management IMO. But it will get you in the door for interviews for better jobs, you still need the experience though.

    MS-IT - Pretty useful in corporate america where baby boomers don't even know how to turn on an iPad let alone manage network security. It doesn't really do much for getting noticed in an applicant pool though (because in general the average person has no idea what IT really does).

  5. #15
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    A business graduate typically holds a degree in business administration or a related field, such as finance or management. Business graduates are typically well-versed in various business concepts and practices, including financial analysis, marketing, and operations management. They may also have experience in areas such as accounting, business law, and strategic planning. With this knowledge and skills, they are equipped to work in a wide range of industries and positions, including management, finance, marketing, and consulting.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryhigh View Post
    Looking for experiences people have if any? I have my B.S in Marketing Management, and cant decide if I want to go into International Business or continue on in Marketing/management. I want to get the most out of the degree, I have concerns on whether pursuing education in MM is worth it.
    I would say, you may better continue MM and can get high profession.

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