Quote Originally Posted by h2s View Post
For clarity, I don't have any issue with product discussion on here. If that were the case I would stop talking about tren until I had a tren sponsor (not going to happen guys). I only step in when it crosses the line to advertising, in which case it is a disservice to the sponsors that support the board. BBG can log it here, discuss it, etc.. If he was posting about sales, new products, etc... on the constant, then I would ask him to have IML contact me about sponsorship. I don't play the pussy games that alot of other boards do. We are unique here for alot of reasons and that is one of them.
I was going to rep for IML but decided against it due to requirements by them. But, they are a stand up company so I figure why not give it a shot.

I've never use M1A and hopefully I can shed some light on it for the SS crew.