I've taken Intimidate before and liked the results. But I've never actually run it during PCT time because I've always been too broke to splurge on another $30 supplement after buying a cycle and a pharma grade PCT. After running Clomid for about a week at 50mg ED, my sex drive went into the shitter and I was feeling rather flat. I had virtually no pumps anymore during workout and I was feeling generally run down.

I played around adding some Sustain Alpha topical to the mix. It made it worse, sadly. I am prone to E2 crushing. Any time I eff with my estrogen levels I feel like crap.

After digging through the cupboard, I found that I had about nine Iforce Intimidate capsules left in a bottle and some P-5-P. I said screw it and modified my PCT protocol. I dropped my Clomid to 25mg, added in one Intimidate every night before bed, P-5-P 2x daily and one pump of topical SA every other day.

Within two days I noticed a major difference. Nocturnal and morning woods returned. And for the first time ever, I noticed significant inflation of my testicles. My balls have never really swelled up as a result of Clomid or any other SERM. But less SERM and one Intimidate and it's so much of a difference that my girlfriend noticed when she grabbed my sack the other morning.

The fire in my sex drive also returned. And pumps have been so good it's unbelievable. I'm not even slightly exaggerating. My muscles pump up nicely during the workout and retain the pump for several hours. One day after the workout, although I'm sore, I no longer feel flat or broken down. The muscles are staying nice and full.

Needless to say, I bought another bottle of Intimidate and P-5-P. I'll continue doing things as I have been.

Again, I don't know what it is about the magic of this combination, but it works well.