Over on another forum, where I have seen a few of the SS guys which is a nice surprise..

I have seen endless guys talking about this PH. This actually has my interest. Now I know a little about the IM version of Trest ace, etc..but the PH..I will admit I have ZERO knowledge..but want to learn more.

Can anyone give feedback??

I hear guys saying it is like Test. How does this compare to 4 andro?? And how strong is it??

I see bottles of Trest for like 19.99..and I was thinking about grabbing a few for down the road just to try it. In the middle of a different PH run (epi and epi andro hard) so I won't run this now..

But I must admit..with such good feedback, I am prone to believe this is legit.

I am not missing out on another AndroHard..I will tell you that.

Thanx SS