So you show up, stating that most people say to stick to 8 weeks of Tren. Yet you ask if 12 weeks is OK, to which you get the response to keep it at 8 weeks.

You then defend yourself by saying that you've read that 10 weeks is fine, which counteracts your first post of 8 weeks being the ideal.

So your solution is to run it for 10 weeks, regardless of the fact that you were just told by EXPERIENCED users to keep it at 8 weeks.

You also want to run it at almost 75mg ED for your FIRST time on the hormone, not knowing what it will do to you.

Seriously, just shut it unless you actually listen to our advice. You ask a question, get an answer you don't like, and just go your own way without regard to what others suggest.

You sir are an excellent troll, which is the only thing that you seem to be able to do well.