naw. i never got kratom. i wanted to get kratom to get a downer high, but i recently just got some hydrocodone from a friend and found that they just make me sleepy, and its not a high I care about.....which is probably a good thing.

and don't just meditate...find a binaural/isochronic beat to listen to while meditating. MAJOR increase in 3rd eye stimulation. i also find that when I'm stoned and gonna be going to bed soon is when i like to pop in my headphones, listen to the binaural beat and fall asleep to it. works phenomenally. do it man. totally do it....ive made such leaps in bounds in my life and i know meditation, healthy diet, detoxing from environmental chemicals by using natural soaps, conditioner, etc has also all greatly helped my pineal gland and in return amazing clarity on life and awareness of the things around me is all credited to it.