I am so fucking sick of ads for fake fitness shit. about the worst of the dogshit heap is Mike Chang's "six pack shortcuts." It is advertised ruthlessly on youtube and via google ads (maybe it's cause i clicked on it once, dunno). Out of curiosity I torrented it and it is complete horseshit, an intelligent 8th grader with a basic knowledge of 8th grade science could put together a better course. in his youtube videos mike chang can barely string together a sentence, it is fucking incredible that people pay money for his donkey dung.

then we have the facebook ads for fake ass products like "New test booster: should it be banned?" you follow the link and it is some utter bullcrap arginine shit. then there's the ads for "celebrities use product XYZ to gain 20 lbs and get ripped for their roles."

I am constantly floored by society, how much stupid shit information there is, and how many ignorant idiots breathlessly lap it up