Quote Originally Posted by pman42 View Post
That's not much of an "investigation" as anyone with a bit of common sense can read the label and ascertain that there are no berries in the cereal. and what equipment does the "food science lab" use to analyze the food? it looks like they have a low-powered microscope, that's about it.
You missed the point. The fact that they can even put it on the label when it is a complete lie should be enough to have them brought up on charges or shut down. If there are no berries in the cereal, then don't put it on the box.

And in regards to your other comment, see this article below. The food science lab is a big deal and is actually crossing over into lamestream media coverage. Low powered microscope.......lol. You know what else can be dangerous pman? Mis-informed comments.....some people will take them at face value...just like people that see "Strawberries" on the box of cereal and think they are giving fruit to their kids.

Inside the Natural News Forensic Food Lab: Health Ranger launches video tour of ICP-MS heavy metals instrumentation

I could put more links here......but haters gonna hate....