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  1. #41
    Sponsor Feedback Score 0 O.N.'s Avatar
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    Lots of reviews have been coming in this week via email and even quite a few of our stores have told us they also have many happy customers reporting back great results.
    Res100 the most powerful Testosterone Booster
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Good stuff. I'm completely satisfied. In my experience I'd say this version is better then sustain alpha. I'm only taking the Res100 as a standalone. I imagine the complete ultimate stack would be very nice.
    I'm thinking about picking up a bottle of this and maybe some DAA for after my 6 week run of Alpha Hard, as it should be a fairly mild cycle anyway. What have you noticed from it? I thought the liquid Sustain Alpha was decent but like you, definitely prefer topical. I'm also curious about the "passion flower" addition.

  3. #43
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Good stuff. I'm completely satisfied. In my experience I'd say this version is better then sustain alpha. I'm only taking the Res100 as a standalone. I imagine the complete ultimate stack would be very nice.
    Hey bud can you expand on this? Do you mean sustain alpha TD or oral? What are the effects you felt on the liquid res100?
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  4. #44
    Sponsor Feedback Score 0 O.N.'s Avatar
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    Well we are just over 1300 units in now since the release at the start of June, we have had a huge response here in Australia, loads of positive emails, phone calls and happy store owners getting great results for their customers and themselves. Word is spreading like wild fire we have doubled our retail stores and we even have a feature article coming out in the August addition of Iron Man Australia along with our first adverts.

    We had a funny one come in the other day, store owner called to tell us he had a customer complain....we thought ohh shit here we go.

    So he says:
    Store "I had a guy come in after being on the Res100 for about a week and he had a complaint"
    O.N. "yeah....ok what is it?"
    Store "he said he had painful erections all night long from it"
    O.N. "bahahaha.....awesome it's working well then!"

    Get on it and post up your reviews on the forum!
    Res100 the most powerful Testosterone Booster
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  5. #45
    Sponsor Feedback Score 0 O.N.'s Avatar
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    New Review in for Res100 Liquid from here inc 91 other reviews:

    91. I’ve been on RES100 for about a fortnight now and I’m already really impressed by this supp. Best sleep I’ve had in years, noticeably improved libido, feeling even more confident/less anxiety and seems to be recovering better between workouts. I’m really looking forward to my blood test in a few weeks to compare before/after.
    Res100 the most powerful Testosterone Booster
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  6. #46
    Sponsor Feedback Score 0 O.N.'s Avatar
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    We have had a few reviews come in recently, you can find more here:

    But these are the most recent reviews:

    89. Cant fault this product. I was taking nothing extra, only the usual vitamins & my sex drive was quite low for a few months. Just not interested. Then I started taking this, sex drive up, mrs happy again. lol

    90. Ok so i got my res100 last week, and im surprised at the results… within 2 days Russel the love muscle had awaken from hibernation and is now ready to party. Tbh i thought yeah yeah yeah… everyones test booster is the best blah blah blah…. But this shit woke him up no problem. I will be recomending this product to all the juicers and old fuckers at the gym.. 10/10.

    91. I’ve been on RES100 for about a fortnight now and I’m already really impressed by this supp. Best sleep I’ve had in years, noticeably improved libido, feeling even more confident/less anxiety and seems to be recovering better between workouts. I’m really looking forward to my blood test in a few weeks to compare before/after.

    92. Res 100 is da bomb, Yep certainly seems to be the bomb. Not taking anything else apart from m/v, moringa, krill, glucosamine and the res stack. And it can’t be cause I’ve just clocked the half century. But setting some P.B’s here for sure. Minister for war and finance very happy.Doing alright in the gym too lol.

    93. The new liquid formulation is awesome. About 90mins after I take it, I get a HUGE libido surge and feel like I just need to hump something! :P
    Last edited by O.N.; 09-25-2014 at 02:37 AM.
    Res100 the most powerful Testosterone Booster
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  7. #47
    Sponsor Feedback Score 0 O.N.'s Avatar
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    View more here: Res100 Reviews and Blood tests | Wicked Supplements

    94. I am on meds for depression and anxiety.. These two problems seem to be a thing of the past with res100.. It kills my anxiety dead and puts me in a good mood. It therefore has enabled me to use less of dangerous medications with obvious side effects like anti anxiety pills etc.

    95. Just ordered my 3rd lot of Res100 (liquid version) – have also used the tablet version.
    Honestly one of my fav supplements I have used – energy, mood, sex drive, strength in the gym are all up when on it – nothing totally out of this world CRAZY – but you can feel a real difference and for me def worth the cash.
    As alot of you know I have used alot of supplements – and worked out alot are simply shit – this is not one of them though…good shit @O.N; – will keep buying. 712

    96. Well today is day 11 of RES100 for me, i 62 yo and weigh 160 lbs, the res has woken me up every morning for the last ten days with a solid hard wood this is when i get up and take another 2 ml of the res followed shortly thereafter with my vit E, B 12, Co EQ10 ect ect, with a small protein drink, and then go for a workout which is usually finished by around 4.45 am, this res has rejuvenated me so much that at times i feel like a teenager as i am going about my normal routine day i feel light refreshed and uplifted. my muscles are becoming more refined and pronounced, i am beginning to think that this is the best shit i have ever taken ha ha i am so glad i picked up on the res i am certain the res feeling is only going to get better considering i deliberately placed myself on the lowest dose of 2 ml / am and then another 2 ml / pm, res has really stirred up the workers in my semen factory the production has increased dramatically.

    97. there is no way i can dismiss res100 as it really has me bouncing around with an alive and fresh feeling plus excellent recuperation and a most active libido and therefore i should give credit where it is due kudos to Res 100
    Res100 the most powerful Testosterone Booster
    We Ship World Wide! Save 10% with members only discount: SS10 Order Online:

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