Copied from a post in our Subforum:

HPN N(r) is a ground breaking new product, built on science and university clinical data. The first thing you should know about N(r) is that it only has one ingredient, Niagen. This ingredient, scientifically known as Nicotinamide Riboside, is structurally a member of the B-Vitamin family. Niagen has three patents granted for its production, usage to treat injured or diseased neurons, and finally its ability to increase the NAD+ coenzyme. Niagen has a host of benefits including brain health, muscle endurance, metabolism, and anti-aging; but they all come back to one simple fact; Niagen increases the level of NAD+ in our cells. Through the increase of this co-enzyme, all of Niagen's benefits are made possible.

The Neuro-Protection capacity of N(r) makes it a no-brainer for athletes participating in contact sports, but its ability to increase the following areas make N(r) a must have for anyone who takes their health, performance, or physique seriously:

Metabolism - Increased calorie expenditure to help create additional fat loss in conjunction with diet and exercise.
Endurance - Increased ATP availability/production to maximizing energy levels and muscle performance in any activity or sport.
Anti-Aging/Longevity - Increased Sirtuin function can slow down cell aging and death to promote healthier aging

N(r) for athletes and sport

Our BSCG testing conducted on every lot of N(r) guarantees the N(r) is 100% pure and contains NO BANNED SUBSTANCES

N(r) is suitable for use by athletes of the following levels:


N(r) has applications in the following sports and activities (and more):

Motor Sports
Extreme Sports (skateboarding, bmx, and etc)

Read about how taking N(r) to increase NAD levels may be a key factor in REVERSING the aging process!
Researchers Reverse Aging Process In Mice, People Could Be Next

Link to Product Page For N(r) - Niagen