Here it is everyone! I'd like to thank Olympus Labs for this opportunity in logging this interesting product. Both strands of ph's in this product seem to be highly effective from the reviews I have researched and looked into so I am excited to kick this off.

On a side note: I have cycled AndroHard by Primordial Performance and Finaflex 1-Andro bridged into 1-Alpha. I have never taken any methylated compounds and I'm really curious to see not only if I can run this strong supplement smoothly, but also keep onto some of my earnings in the long run. I know in previous cycles I have kept my size and strength gains in their entirety, could be my age, could be me keeping up with lifting post cycle, I don't know. All I know is, every time I cycle something it generally leaves me in a better position than I once was.

Stenadrol Protocol:

While Taking Stenadrol, I will be running PCT Revolution Black at 2 caps a day at nighttime for its Arimistane and Liver/Prostate/Cardio Support.
For the last 3 weeks I'm also throwing in Organ Shield for extra support.

PCT is going to be
Clomid: 50mg/day for 2 weeks then 25mg/day for 2 more weeks
Finaflex Pure Test (DAA): 4 Caps a Day for an extended PCT

Support Supplements for Joints:
Around 5-6 grams of Fish Oil a Day
Also might pick up some MSM just incase

Any critiques on my cycle protocol are greatly appreciated. I'm still fairly new to anabolics and would like to stay on the safe side.
I start tomorrow so let's get this shit runnin fellas!!!