Whats up Swole Source.

Time for another Free 3mL Pheromone giveaway.

Acqua di Gio, Activ8, Dolce 'the one", Creed Green Irish Tweed, Aventus, Dolce Light Blue, Gap G7, Curve "fresh", Black...

Choose from any scent you want

Free Shipping

Same set of Rules Apply: Between now Tuesday @ 12 noon and Wednesday at 8am.

Select a number 1-100 and post up.

Number Generator will be used, and closest person wins.

If a number is repeated, first person to choose number is the winner. If there is a tie, for example if the number is "90" and one member chooses "85" and another member chooses "95", there will be no-tie breaker. Both members will get a free cologne.

Good luck and hope you are all enjoying your week