I'm not afraid to admit it. When I first got into lifting, like many others, I was duped by more than my share of supplements that didn't deliver. I was sitting up last night thinking of all the dumb, worthless crap I spent money on my first year or so of lifting.

Anabolic Halo by Muscletech - This was given to me by a friend. After taking it, it became clear why he was giving me an almost-full $40 supplement. Aside from tasting like a mashup of Hawaiian Punch and Winterfresh gum, it unleased a fury of lethargy and diarrhea I haven't felt since. Within 30 minutes, I was peeing out of my ass and then crashing hard. Turns out, the supplement that promised that it "drives anabolically active testosterone directly into muscles" contained, get ready, MELATONIN! That tub has been up in a cabinet at my house for five years now. I'm hoping to pass it off as a sick joke to an unsuspecting friend!

LG Sciences Methyl 1-D (original) - Although it was meant to sound like it's predecessor, Methyl 1-T, it was NOTHING like it. Hell, it wasn't methyl ANYTHING! Nothing more than 5-DHEA capsules and a natural AI, this stuff did a whole lot of NOTHING.

Anabolic Activator spray by the Beast - This stuff was nothing more than alcohol and water. It claimed to be a homeopathic anabolic. You could have drank the entire bottle and the only thing you might get is a buzz from the alcohol. This company should have been prosecuted for fraud for this bogus product.

Halodrol Liquid Gels - Deceptive marketing at its finest! Drawing from the name of its popular anabolic, Haladrol-50, this stuff made my joints dry, gave me a headache and killed any trace of libido dead in its tracks. A blend of DHEA, 6OXO, ecdysterone and fatty acids, this stuff was total junk. Brought to you by the same folks who tastelessly named a natural PCT supplement "Novedex," this company is all about trickery.

These are my top picks. I'd love to hear similar confessions