Test P 125 mg EOD
NPP 125 mg EOD
Proviron 25 mg ED

HCG 200mcg - MWF

Got me AIs and such on hand but not using till needed

Plan is run that for 8 weeks then switch the NPP for Tren 100 mg EOD and stay on for another 8 weeks (competing then)

Towards the end there shall be some more DHT bullshit added. Either added to the Proviron or replacing it. Winny would be the logical choice, but I hear it turns your muscle into a vagina after the injection and I'm not so crazy about the high toxicity, specially of the oral. We'll see how that goes.

Contemplating running Torem for the PCT instead of the Clomid, since EVO has been such a reliable source, as far as quality (and everything else, really)

Say things! lol