Ok so im 6'2 140lbs no idea BF% but prolly 0 cant seem to gain any weight with my metabolism and previous years of heroin addiction so im attempting a cycle to get some meat on the bones. But not exactly sure what to expect or what things to be aware of Warning signs to stop etc.

I have Trestolone, 4-ad and Boldione/dbol compounds and figured to start a 2 month cycle and see what happens also have limited work out experience Mainly push ups pull ups curls and sit ups have small set of at home equipment Curl bar (can change weight) dumbells 15Lbs and perfect pull bar and got the entire P90X Dvds this is all i have.

Also i recently got outta jail where i was working out every single day using what we could to lift or use body weight to create a exercise and saw no real gains so im not just hoping this magic pill of PH MENTs will somehow make me huge no effort involved.

What i want from this is mainly to focus on my abs going for obliques *sp* and trying to get some legs (mainly a butt since i have none judge me all you want im being honest in hopes of honest answers and maybe some minor growth in my biceps )

My Questions :
Hopefully some more experienced users can give me insight on what to expect
What type of work out regiment should i push for Example high reps low weights or High weight low reps
Should i even do this (even though i have the compounds in hand already)
What size dose should i use with each compound (only doing orally)
Anything you think i should know tip/tricks/helpful guidance

~Breezy ,Thanks for your help