Antaeus Labs LipoMorph is a weight-management supplement at the cutting edge of scientific understanding of human physiology. LipoMorph is the first “fat burner” supplement to specifically target all known modifiable mechanisms of white fat browning, and both brown and beige fat activation.

You can read the whole writeup here. You may find it useful to refer to, to answer the Antaeus Acronym Acrostic and potentially win yourself a bottle of LipoMorph (you can also use the search engine of your choice).

Antaeus' Acronym Acrostic
Find the acronyms for these definitions and fit them in the grid.
When completed, the shaded letters will spell out a word. Submit that word as your solution.
Five winners will be selected at random after the closing date to win a free bottle of LipoMorph.

1. Fatty Acid Oxidation may be abbreviated to:
2. Thermogenin is more commonly called:
3. If white fat is known as "WAT", brown fat is:
4. Fatty acid molecules are broken down by beta-oxidation to Acetyl-
5. Heat receptor that is also triggered by capsaicin:
6. Adenosine triphosphate, the energy source that powers most cells:
7. 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
8. This "white fat browning" amino acid is exclusive to LipoMorph
9. 2,4-Dinitrophenol, like UCP1, is an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. How is it better known?
10. This old school weight loss stack consists of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin.

How to enter:
Submit the word that is spelled out vertically by the shaded letters using the contact form on my blog. Use a working email address, the subject "LipoMorph Competition", and include either your full name and address or (preferably) your forum username (to prevent duplicate entries).
Closing date for entries is Sunday 20th July 2014.

Terms and conditions:
Entrants must be 18 or over. Winners will be chosen at random from all correct entries received by the closing date. One entry per person. The winner accepts full responsibility for the use of the prize(s). No cash alternative is available. No responsibility is taken for items lost in transit. It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure prizes are compliant with local laws and import regulations.
Entrants’ personal data will not be used for marketing purposes or shared with third parties except where necessary to arrange delivery of the prize(s). Country/state & initials, or preferred pseudonym (e.g. forum username), will be used to announce the winners. Competition will be run across several forums and entrants pooled.