Over the course of 55 years I probably have pulled muscles a lot of times and have a lot of "old" injuries.

I recently changed my workout routine from a stronglifts 5x5 kind of routine to one that included a lot more volume and a lot of pulling exercises ( deads, inverted rows, pullups, chin-ups, barbell rows, dumbbell rows, shrugs, powercleans). ( this was balanced by a big push day as well) I noticed my rear delts, rhomboids and mid traps really were sore afterwards but thought it was a good sign of hitting those muscle groups hard.

About two weeks ago my entire left upper back froze up - it looked like I was in the middle of a wide grip pullup in that everything there was clenched and would not let go. With two weeks of massage and physio it has loosened up a bit but both my physio and massage therapist say my back is a mess - I have muscle knots and adhesions everywhere ( worse on the upper left side) that they are trying to work out. I still have huge knots in my back and some nerve impingement down the left arm. My massage therapist says a lot of this has been there a long time as fresh adhesions let go quickly but these are not fresh. She thinks I just irritated old stuff

Any thoughts or advice other than just continue with massage, physio and stretching exercises ? Physio does not want me doing any weight training that will stress muscles in upper back at the moment. I orders some Achilles thinking it may help with muscle insertions as I seem to have inflammation there and thought muscles locking up might be an attempt to minimize movement of inflamed ligaments and tendons.