Back day:

I was totally not feeling today, maybe because upped by dosage of Prami last night to 1ml (.5mg/ml), maybe because I've been out of PWO. I don't know. I took half a cap of DMAA and 1ml of Wes' aquaburn and hit the gym. As soon as I get there I see some fucker doing curls in the squat rack....

135 x 10
225 x 10
275, 3 x 5
315 x 2 - was trying for 3 but failed.

incline bench curls:
30, 3 x 5. These were harder than I thought.

DB rows:
55, 3x10

BB drag curls:
normal grip: 40, 3x10 <- these put a strain on my wrists. next time I think I'll use the EZ bar, see how that feels.
reverse grip: 40, 3x10

lat pull downs:
85 x 5
70, 2x10

I just wasn't feeling it. None of the hot cardio bunnies were there either. Nil motivation.