So I'm in a tight spot.

I had to go to work in the early morning a couple days ago for mandatory training. I usually work the night shift, so I don't wake up too well. Right before leaving, I took a dose of Craze because it was all that I had with caffeine. I fire off to work and after I get on base (I work on a military base), I pass a car quite quickly because they were being an idiot and slamming their breaks on every 100 feet for no reason.

Apparently I was too aggressive and got pulled over, but no speeding was involved. Police approached the car and I was shaking kinda hard. Craze + adrenaline doesn't mix too well for sitting still. They said I didn't look too well and that my pupils were "pinpoints". They had me get out of the car and sit on the curb, and called in another guy that was a civilian.
They asked to search the car, I said yes, but not my gym bag because it had clothes and personal stuff in it. They searched it anyways and took my vials of trest because "they looked like illegal steroids".

So the civilian cop gets there, says that I'm on something and does a field sobriety test, makes me do a breathalyzer for BAL, and still isn't convinced that I'm just nervous as hell, so I'm cuffed and dragged to the hospital and had blood drawn to look for something that would impair my driving.

Yes, I had explained (and showed them the tub of Craze) that I was nervous and had loaded up on caffeine.

So I'm taken back to the police stations, given "pending" citations for "failure to maintain lane" and "DUI". Pending the blood test results that can take up to 90 DAYS to come back. I'm also banned from driving on base.

On top of that, I was taken to the drug investigation unit and had to explain that it wasn't controlled steroids and that I was injecting it because it had a better bioavailability than pills or topicals. So I'm given a pending "simple possession" charge, because they need to run their test and make sure it isn't a controlled substance. That is also pending a 90 day test time frame and I can be banned from the base all together if they feel like it at any time.

There is a bit more to it that than, like never being told my rights, and being forced to do tests that I did have the right to decline. I'm looking for a lawyer, but does anyone have advice or experience with shit like this?