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    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Epi-Andro and Halo Extreme First Timer

    Hi All,

    Hoping for some input on this. First prohormone use, 25 years old, been lifting since I was 14 with periods of laziness scattered in between. Been lifting consistently without any slacking now for two years.

    I am a big fan of raw powerlifting and strongman. Not strong enough to compete yet, but maybe eventually. Only problem is I am (or was very overweight). I started out around 290 lbs at 5'9, and yeah that's without any hormone use ever, so mostly fat with a hidden layer of muscle beneath.

    In the past five months I have cut down to 245 lbs, doing my best to retain my strength in the process despite the rather aggressive rate of loss.

    I am very interested in trying a stack of epi-andro rx with halo extreme for eight weeks, epi-andro throughout at 4 caps a day, and then weeks 3-8 add in 3 caps daily of the halo. I'll probably keep cutting as I have been until I'm around 220-230, but strength loss is starting to be a bummer, and I'd like some assistance in retaining strength, maybe even a little bit of a muscle gain as I lose the final pounds. I've read good things about both of these PHs and I think they would allow me to up the calories slightly, continue to lose weight, but prevent any further muscle and strength loss as I try to get my weight down to the 200-220 area.

    The big monkey wrench in all of this is that my hamster has pretty severe prepubertal gyno, like literally since his earliest memories of childhood big puffy nipples. He's pretty much grown to accept it over the years, but even when he dieted down to sub 10% bodyfat years ago he still had the issue (though weight loss greatly helps, of course).

    Since he's had gyno for his whole life, his only concern is WORSENING gyno - his is strictly a case of some breast tissue, but mostly mutant nipples. Never had any painful lumps, lactating, or any sides like that. Doesn't want full, cuppable breasts, the puffy nips are acceptable, but anything more would be unacceptable.

    Now some will tell you that DHT can help some people with gyno, but I know that even with epi-andro and halo being very safe in terms of aromatization/rebound, some people get gyno from it... so it makes my hamster worried his pre-existing gyno could worsen.

    The idea we came up with is in addition to tamoxifen PCT, throw an AI, anastrozole in during the cycle and then taper during PCT phases at maybe .5 - 1 mg daily during cycle and then .5 to .25 to 0 from weeks 1,2,3 of PCT then finish up PCT with tamoxifen for remaining weeks.

    Then there's the possibility that anastrozole itself will produce rebound effects and I wonder if it's even worth it... I think during cycle it's probably a good idea, but I'm clueless on the tapering bit. Honestly it's my own idea inspired by what I've heard from the old timers tapering their test cycles. I can't find any research on the subject or opinions on major forums, etc. I've done some pretty hardcore research in what little spare time I have, but eventually I just hit a wall... I'm not a biochemist after all.

    If anyone took the time to read all my stupid rambling and has advice, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by AttackonHill; 08-19-2014 at 09:42 PM.

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