Quote Originally Posted by WesleyInman View Post
Thanx Scope.. U always have such kind words to say..and ty for trusting me to try this..I dont think you will be disappointed. I have 3 of my personal clients running this starting this week.

Takes alot to impress me enough to buy a product right away.

I will be watching in your log to see what happens.. I CAN"T WAIT!!!!! Prob more excited to see your result..not probably, factually more excited for your result then my own. I ran it today and used it for strength with my preworkout and it was amazing!

Like I keep saying, I will run this again with either Modular Series Stano or IML epi andro RX and M1-t at 40mgs ED.

I continue to be impressed. Sex drive is through the roof...The only problem with it, is you tend to find something positive in ANY woman.

Even the other day, I was talking to one of the thicker girls at my gym, 5'4- 155ish (not huge, but I like petite) and I couldn't help check her out..I blurted out a line to make her laugh..."you have a nice...(pause) Neck." She looked at me, super huge smile...and lit up like a Christmas tree. I'm such an ******* (its a line I saw on a dating show some dumb ass used to try and pick up a girl and of course got shot down...Anyways, I use it on occasion being a smart ass...it can elicit laughter which works, or anger, which doesn't....but truth be told, I would have brought her home..drive is literally insatiable on this product for me. Would be annoying long term.
Your welcome and it all started with your log of IML's EPI Andro RX and some doubted your review or thought it was spiked so I went out bought my own ran bloods to prove it was legit and loved every cap of it.
Then you got me hooked up with some PN TREST and same story... Loved every cap
And now I'm hooked on Ultimate Orange Juiced and UOJ is a preWO on ROIDS. LOL
Nothing I've tried or experianced is quite like UOJ.

It'll be Jan/Feb before I run the M1-T Oxime because I went out on a limb for the SS crew and picked up Wicked Supps Epic Gainz to log/review and see if it's just snake oil or the real deal. To many mixed reviews and thoughts on supps like it but if it works as claimed it'll be a game changer. If not I hope I save some others some money.

I also plan to stack it with PN's Epi AndroHard or PN's Trest since epi andro and M1-TO might be to dry for my joints. Or who knows I might be cruising on test then. lol

And I'm all about nice little petite chicks but damn a nice thick one can be lots of fun because they always seem to just want it more and harder.
I already feel sorry for my GF when my run starts.