Not a problem, still a work in progress.

Today was the first day back to class of my last semester.

Kicked it off like a normal day with morning cardio, then bfast then off to class, still doing 1 cap Adrensurge in the AM and a second in the afternoon.

The first day back is always strange, with all the 20 yr olds running around clogging up the works and frustrating the hell out of me (I'm not what you would call a traditional student, I'm like ten years older than most the kids I'm in class with, it's been weird for me).

This was no different, other than I didn't feel as pissed about it as I normally do, not sure if it's because I'm finally comfortable in this college environment (ironically my final semester) or that the Adrenosurge has been doing it's thing keeping my mood somewhat elevated.

Also of note is that normally when 1500 rolls around I'm in line at a coffee shop getting my afternoon fix, if not I'm usually groggy and unapproachable. Today however the afternoon came and went without the need for caffeine and without me being a grumpy asshole.
After a day of class/work, I still had enough gas in the tank to get my workout in this evening without crashing.
Thus far Adrenosurge seems to help reduce the "need" for me to be stimmed out throughout the day in order to survive, which is a nice change.