So my order came in. BUT I didn't have 5.80 cash on me, so the post man couldn't give me my order that was already shipped because apparently there was still 5.80 that needed to get paid but didn't and I asked why the fuk did it get shipped to my house if the postage wasn't right and he said theyre just shipping out everything right now and if the shipper didn't pay enough, they make it the person receiving's responsibility. Wtf is this shit??? USPS can eat my shit. Don't fukin ship stuff if the postage ain't right u filthy pieces of shit (rant aimed at USPS not PN . And I HAD to have cash. I've NEVER heard of this. He wasn't lying tho. The little fukin paper even said I owed 5.80. I'm sorry but this is a dirty fukin tactic the post office is using and I think it's bullshit. I'm aupossed to have cash on me??? Wtf is that.

Now I gotta wait a few hours bfor the guy can get back to the post office so I can take
The time to drive over there and pay the fee and go through this whole hassle when the God dam package was 5 inches from my face.

Anyone else experienced this ever??? EVER?? I've been buying things online since I was like 12......and this has never happened.