I've really come to hate Testofen.

I have used it probably close to 10 times over the last six or seven years. Gencor commissioned a study that became the basis for lauding it for improvements to free T levels. That may be, but the one thing I've found the last four times I've used it is that it shuts down my sex drive entirely -- to the point that even a PDE-5 inhibitor isn't of much assistance because there's just no damned interest there.

Some say it raises prolactin. That might explain a lot. The loss of libido was so bad from it the last time I used it that I ordered pharma-grade Caber and even it didn't have much of a pronounced effect.

I've also seen some critics say it's estrogenic. I don't know about that. But one thing's for sure, it kills my sex drive as badly as 1-DHEA ever did.

Sad thing is, it leveled out my blood sugar quite effectively. I had zero post-meal crashes on it. But nothing in this world is worth losing my interest in sex. Anyone else ever have this happen?