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Thread: SHBG questions

  1. #51
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    What happens with a post finasteride guy when they take a large amount of aas, like tren mast test stacked at a high dose?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I ask because I haven't seen anyone try it. Tren seems like it may cause the mental effects everyone with post fin syndrome is looking for. Yes it will shut down the system... But after maybe this will jumpstart?
    PFS throws you for such a mind fuck that you become paralyzed with fear about making yourself worse off.....if that's even possible for some guys.

    There is also two different components of the issue. The neurological ones, where in my opinion cause most of the issues. And then the physical ones which include hormones, etc. You can have your hormones perfect with PFS and not have shit for a libido. You also don't feel alpha, confident, etc. There is strong evidence of Gaba system impairment which would explain most of this.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 01-21-2015 at 12:37 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #52
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    OK, I did not read all the messages through, so I missed "finasteride" which does complicate things, and guys I do feel for you as your problems are hard to cope with and in the end you've been consequently let down by system, first you've been given medication that was not tested enough and after that you were left in dark labyrinth.

    I think it would be a good idea to start another thread for finasteride/propecia sufferers with some guidance, studies and some tips,
    Cdsnuts, I think you're most qualified in that area, with personal experience so if you could start it would be great?

    English, I think its still best to proceed with what you intended to do- to see what happens when you get E2 little bit down, as highish E2 and sky high SHBG are still something that sticks out, and in my exeprience lowering SHBG directly rarely works, so hopefully lowering E2 will do some improvement.

  3. #53
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    Yeah thanks Jel,

    One thing is for sure, you cannot possibly recover unless you have a reasonable hormone balance, as that alone will make you feel shit anyhow.

    I am in agreement with CD regards neurological. You have to bear in mind that there are millions of normal people out there with normal hormone balance but are simply depressed. They still have muscle bulk, they have oily skin etc. (things we lose) but their depression alone plays havoc with their libido, zest for life etc. and they suffer from half the stuff the post fin guys do. Dopamine, seratonin etc. play a huge part in a persons persona.

    When you start suffering from Post Fin, especially if you were previously an alpha type, so much so quick is removed from you, that you panic, and take yourself into a negative spiral. I would love to go back and start suffering from day one, because i would chill, and i bet i would have been fine within a couple of months. I bet the same applies to everyone. When you say these things people deride you who are suffering, because i think deep down they know that they significantly added to their own problems. Most Post Fin guys truly have no idea how far their mind has fallen.
    I keep bettering my own mental state, thinking that is it, then i better it again and again and each time i realize i still have ways to go. It is incredible how far mentally we fall and we don't realize it.
    You need to heal the mind, body and hormones all at the same time, while feeling utterly depressed and despondent much of the time, not an easy task, but very achievable if you know and truly believe that those things healed will, without a doubt constitute recovery.
    I think a recovery thread on here is a good idea, but as i've said before, it should certainly be written by a recovered guy - none better than cdsnuts.
    You have to be very careful you don't start attracting the negative section from PH, otherwise it will just turn into PH mark 2. No-one wants that.

    All i want to do here is get my hormone balance straight and not be constantly reminded i am post Fin, so with respect to any recovery thread and the author, i will probably stay out of it until fully healed.

  4. #54
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    OK, I did not read all the messages through, so I missed "finasteride" which does complicate things, and guys I do feel for you as your problems are hard to cope with and in the end you've been consequently let down by system, first you've been given medication that was not tested enough and after that you were left in dark labyrinth.

    I think it would be a good idea to start another thread for finasteride/propecia sufferers with some guidance, studies and some tips,
    Cdsnuts, I think you're most qualified in that area, with personal experience so if you could start it would be great?

    English, I think its still best to proceed with what you intended to do- to see what happens when you get E2 little bit down, as highish E2 and sky high SHBG are still something that sticks out, and in my exeprience lowering SHBG directly rarely works, so hopefully lowering E2 will do some improvement.
    With all due respect to the guys from the other board who ended up here....I have no desire to make such a thread. I left all of my knowledge and experience with regards to that part of my life on the other board. I have no problem helping you guys out, but concerning a thread about propecia side effects on this board doesn't really fit with the theme of the board. Plus, there is already a massive website that caters to those guys. It's called Propecia Help. Doing a half ass replication with one thread just pales in comparison to what the other site has, which is thread after thread after sub forum, etc about things to help guys in that situation. Not to mention the volumes of posts (1000+) that I've made there over the years.

    I left that board for a reason. Like English said, he just wants to move on and not dwell on the fact that he was finasterided. That's exactly what I did. I fixed myself over the course of many years, trial and error, and documented it all on that site. Then I moved on. That was such a dark, horrible, lonely time in my life, I'd prefer to not ever think about it again.

    You guys came to a great board with tons of smart dudes with lots of experience. Take it for what it is.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 01-22-2015 at 01:27 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #55
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    I actually agree with cd here. I personally came here to learn about nutrition, lifting and performance. The finasteride issues are secondary. Cdnuts has done a hell of a lot for us already and his input in what we're doing is always appreciated, as is everyone else's here but we're at a point where we do have to fend for ourselves. Imo this is why cd managed to get himself back to where he is now in the first place, being able to take the initiative to figure out what works for us and put the effort in to get it done.

    I do understand what Jelisej is saying though, it's a reasonable idea to want to have all the information in one thread, but all the information is out there if you're willing to put the time in and take the initiative to get better.

  6. #56
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) weekend's Avatar
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    I still think someone should try tren post finasteride (although that hair will really disappear after that! Lol)

  7. #57
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by weekend View Post
    I still think someone should try tren post finasteride (although that hair will really disappear after that! Lol)
    If things got desperate I'd try it but personally I have a strict no pharm policy. I'll stretch to androhard eventually, I've even got a bottle put aside but other than that natty all the way.

  8. #58
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    Yep, time to move on, and i don't blame you CD, i would have said exactly the same thing.

    I am not post fin, i'm just a dude with high e and high shbg, i also need to increase dopamine by finding a way to genuinely laugh at the fucking great hole i dug for myself! Actually i'm feeling pretty good still, AI seems to be doing the trick.

    Speaking of dopamine, here's some comedy for you, as part of my dopamine restructuring program, i figured i had to re-introduce myself to a social life, which i always do via sport (easiest way) Because after i took a certain pill, my old life fell apart, broke up from ex wife, lost about a zillion friends as they were all mutual, lost literally half a million pounds in house, gave up football because i couldn't do it anymore (physically), gave up playing league pool because the nights were too late and too much booze involved, so suddenly there was just me and my new girlfriend, so what do i do now? Fucking ping pong! I've gone from wealthy football playing alpha guy to forest gump!!!

    I'm enjoying it actually, don't tell anyone.

  9. #59
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    Hey guys,

    Just after some support/advice regarding anastrozole dosage. I started on 0.25mg EOD for first 7 days, then 0.25 ED for 3 days, and have now been on 0.5 ED for last 2 days.
    I am trying to find sweet spot for E, and i have been feeling a gradual improvement in my condition which each dosage rise, so i must still be too high, but i understand it takes a while for blood plasma levels to settle, despite its half life only being 50 hrs.
    So i don't want to go too quick and miss and the sweet spot, but then again, i only have another 23 tabs left in which to conclude my experiment into the effect of getting my E just right. (i got the anastrozole from an internet company so i cannot just buy another packet and guarrantee the dose is the same)
    Should i stay on 0.5mg per day for a while, or should i go to 1mg ED?
    The tabs may be underdosed for reasons above, but they cannot be total bunk as i have experienced a noticeable improvement in my condition.
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    (By the way, to save you reading the thread, i am simply trying to establish the effect of lowering E so that i can go to my endo and tell him results in order to get proper stuff prescribed) E was 36 when T was 490 and SHBG 51. Last bloods showed T at 600 but E and SHBG was not tested, so i am assuming my E would be knocking around 50 to 70 with a probably further rise in SHBG. I have been advised on this site to lower E which will also lower SHBG - seems to be working.

  10. #60
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    To find right spot can be extremely difficult,
    You were doing completely opposite what I would suggest - basically you start with higher dose, till you get to sweet spot or get too low (you said you get symptoms with low pain in joints so you will know)- once you wait a bit than start again but with lower dose

    Do blood test sometimes
    Do not make assumptions

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