Quick update. Smashed deadlifts today(Leg day) for a new PR of 400 lbs. I can remember the day I pulled 300 and was ecstatic, today was somewhat anticlimactic, but I am happy to see such significant gains. 1/19/15 I pulled 365 and 2/11/15 I pulled 400lbs
I had not been training deads though, so these could be neuro adaptation gains? Nonetheless, I fucking pulled 400, and now I must pull 500.

I feel like my weight is fluctuating entirely too much, although I have been more conscious of nutrition. I am cutting back on portion sizes and will try to maintain 210ish
Today I weighed in at 211 but I have been fluctuating from 209 to 216 depending on my stress level. I almost got discouraged dealing with the increased appetite and quit today, but I will ride this out. I think I only have 2 weeks left anyways. I am really missing feeling lean. It is going to be tough waiting to start the next cycle.

Overall my strength has dropped a little from its peak during PCT but remains markedly improved over pre-cycle, however I have had to reduce training volume due to working 60-70 hours a week on top of school starting up again. My girl also came to visit for 3 days, which made me feel obligated to spend time with her, which resulted in neglecting everything else to an extent. Long distance is fucking annoying. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't visit at all so I wouldn't have to fuck my routine right when I am getting in a groove with things. I could really just use some consistency in my schedule. I can't wait for the day that I can go to the gym 6 days a week again.

One thing I have noticed is that, although I feel that I have more bodyfat than when I started PCT (around the same weight), my dress clothes seem to be tighter. My neck specifically, and I don't tend to carry a lot of fat on my neck lol. I literally just bought clothes one size larger for the cycle, and now they are not fitting well at all. Its actually really frustrating because I have to get dressed up for work. I have also noticed that my pants seem shorter, like all of them, which is also frustrating. At this point I am really looking forward to my cut, but I understand that I must at least maintain for a few more weeks.