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  1. #11
    New Member Feedback Score 0
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    Apr 2015
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    Hi all,

    I'm intrigued to hear your opinions on this considering there appears to be a rare few post-PFS-ers on here!

    I personally took accutane for 10 days and crashed New Years Day 2012/13. I got all the sexual issues (no libido, no morning glory, no spontaneous, ED, reduced ejaculate, ED etc etc you know the story).

    Anyway my current situation appears to be the cognitive elements of my sexuality are somewhat improved. But the D aspects not so much. For example, my libido has come back online (not 100% mind you) and libido induced erections are now possible. However, I recently have developed some shrinkage and a coldness downstairs.

    Furthermore, if I take something like high dose tribulus/creatine I notice an increase in libido but concomitantly a shrivelled cold D. So what I'm thinking is while my brain is receptive to these pro-DHT supps. Local factors downstairs are causing a shift in T conversion from the 5AR pathway to the aromatase pathway. Therefore most if not all CDs list of supps are probs off-limits for me personally.

    So, given this information, pro-DHT compounds are probably not wise (at this time anyway). What I was wondering is, what the best anti-E/anti-aromatase foods, supplements, herbs etc? Or any other ideas (backed with some science lingo preferably).

    Bear in mind I have followed paleo pretty strictly since even before I took accutane. Whether it be the ketogenic version or the more lax type that allows starchy tubers such as sweet potato alongside my copious fruit consumtpion. I've only recently introduced less paleo things such as whey just for conveniences sake. However, I'm going to start loading up on broccoli, cauliflower ( some E metabolising properties), mushrooms (some AI properties), celery (androsterone content), beetroot (Nitric oxide production - vasodilation). Although I'm aware the potency of dietary intake will probably be minimal if not negligible.

    I'm also in very good shape. I used to be a national level swimmer. Now I compete in MMA. I'm circa 6-7% bodyfat most of the year (benefits of being an ectomorph dominant ecto-mesomorph) at 190lb's 6foot 1. I squat and deadlift heavy on the regular and train all the main energy systems in a periodised fashion. (of note, Accutane only effects the 5AR found in genitals and brain. Hence, I can still be shredded and strong but still suffer with hypergonadal symptoms in the sexual department).

    I'm considering trying a pharmaceutical grade Aromatase Inhibitor if I don't get any results in the next few months with whatever I decide to try.

    Any way, thoughts would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Crank92; 05-14-2015 at 04:22 PM.

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