In September, I'm going to make the jump to the dark side. Starting to stockpile now.

12 Weeks
50mg trest e/d
DHT type compound (Deciding between just using high dose transdermal epiandro, 75mg proviron e/d, or just pinning mast)
3 week sdrol kick start 20mg e/d
*Potential anavar 50-75mg e/d last 6 weeks
t3/clen throughout. Not using clen until well after the sdrol.

Running cycle support products to control blood pressure/liver toxicity, hcg, 25mg exem, ralox, and a very low dose of caber/prami.

PCT will be 4 weeks of clomid, 6-8 weeks of nolva, then run an OTC pct product.

My goal for this cycle is to come out shredded. Obviously, this is all diet and cardio, but the cycle will hopefully pack on a bit of size while burning off fat while increasing strength and allowing me to bring up some of my weak points. I've gotten lean before so I know what it takes in that department.

In all honesty, I have no idea why I chose trest over test. Test has been tried and true, but it seems like people are getting great results with trest and I want to give it a go.

My major concern on this cycle is my existing gyno. I'm combating this with the ralox, dht, exem, and prami or caber. Theoretically, I should be okay right? I'm hoping it gets even less noticeable with the increase in mass, leaning out, and the combo of ralox/exem/dht/prami.

How does all of this look? I'm open to suggestions as it's a while away.