Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
It gave you an almost-overnight fullness and vascularity. It was a very nice volumizer. I wish I'd have bought two tubes of it. Although it smelled like tequila and gave you snake skin at the application site.

As for the other nitrogen boosters available, I wouldn't wipe my ass with 1-Andro because of the crippling lethargy and I've found oral 4DHEA to do next to nothing.

Epiandro, however, yeah, keep it coming!
pop 8 4-ad a day and then tell me it doesn't work.....only problem is...you need 8 a day....soooooooo..yeah. fuk that part haha

it did make me hornier than anything I've ever tried i must say. would wake up every night with the gnarliest boners.....shit was kinda impressive in that sense haha