For any of the pansies out there who have ever complained about the difficulty of getting 4000-6000 calories a day during a bulk, this sweet little 125 lb. girl (okay, mother of four, but still...) just ate three 72 oz. steak dinners in a few minutes (so that's 13.5 pounds of steak alone, plus the sides). That's about 20,000 calories in less than an hour. Molly Schuyler Destroys A 72-Ounce Steak on <-- This is actually a video of her doing just one of them - she's done this a few times now, first one at a time, then two at a time, then three.

So, aside from her being the greatest MILF on the planet, the point is: NO EXCUSES! If you can't get some daily caloric excess from clean eating, you should probably get out of body building and just go babysit her kids.