Hey guys,

I'll try not to make this a big wall of text, but having some problems and wondering if you guys can give some feedback/recommendations...

I'm 29 and after 7 years of usage with no issue whatsoever was hit hard with PFS back in December 2012. My main side effects of concern are pretty much total lack of libido and ED (also have some vision light sensitivity issues, and curvature of penis but had it checked and blood flow is fine and it isn't massively severe).

I saw a variety of endo's and underwent various treatments in the first year under the care of the doc's both in the UK (where I live) and a well known anti-ageing doc from Lansing, Michigan (who turned out to be a fraud, but thats another story). I have extensive blood labs and a few 24 hour unrine panels from these times and basically after the big crash (Feb 2013) I was left with low-normal level T when not on any meds. I was tried on various doses and combinations of clomid, cabergoline, anastrozole, aromasin, cabergoline, proviron and still have all lying around at home. All treatments made me worse of sexually (and clomid particularly wreaked havoc with me emotionally).

It was found that clomid would take my T levels right to top of range, but my aromatase enzyme would go insane and give me E levels 2/3 times over top of range, even when on 1mg daily of anastrozole to bring it down... the anti-aging doc claimed he had never seen someone aromatise like it.

As of 2014, I read and became friends with CDSnuts (who has helped me personally a massive amount and shown great kindness to me) and I went a more natural route, beginning with a 2 week water fast at a facility in Cali, and then tightening up diet with paleo based carb-backloading to go with the gym, which i've always hit quite hard. I found that my sexual baseline improved now that for the first time since i was sick I wasn't on pharma stuff, but was still well below what I was, and should be, and still sexually very bad off despite being aesthetically in the best shape of my life... of note, since PFS I can still tone and hit the gym almost daily but I really struggle to put on mass. During this year I tried herb cycling and a few short DHT pro hormone cycles, but found both put me back a step or two, so thought i'd have a run with just diet and exercise, but unfortunately little further improvement occurred.

I have in the last month on CDs recommendation started the superman herbs stack (Pine Pollen Powder 3x daily, and cycling around 9 supps in rotation) and I have noticeably packed on a fair amount of mass, my strength shot up in the gym and I feel great... the one problem being I have again gradually taken a number of steps back sexually and am having to rely on PDE-5 inhibitors again, with libido gradually disappearing and now being non existent. I believe my androgens have risen and with it my E has shot up also like when on clomid (although I still emotionally feel good, and dont have the manic feel that clomid gave me when it elevated everything, I assume due to it being gentler and more natural).

Basically guys, what do you think... do you agree that the sexual issues are likely the result of elevated E as happened previously as both CD and I think is likely the case? I took part in the PFS study in Baylor University, Texas last month and have comprehensive blood labs from that, but at the time I was on nothing whatsoever so its baseline stuff, but I can post if you think it helps? (Brief snapshot: T was 391, and E was 22, SHBG 42).

If this is the case...What do you guys think I could take/do to help?

FYI... I also have in my possession the Wicked Supps Ultimate Stack (res 100 in caps, not liquid), A tub and a half of PP Andro-Hard (V3) and 2 bottles of PN's Epi-Andro Hard at home if any of this would be of use? Or anything else for that matter.

The super man herbs are clearly doing something good for me as I feel stronger, more alert, and like I have higher T, which shows with me putting on a little weight and strength improvements, so i'd really like to push on and feel like if I can work out this final piece of the puzzle I may see some real progress.

Thanks for taking the time to read guys and sorry its lengthy, any feedback or advice would be gratefully received!