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    Established Member Feedback Score 0 WesleyInman's Avatar
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    ~ Wesley Versus 4-Andro MiNi 'BULK' Log ~

    Not a sponsored Log-

    Doing this to help give people an idea what this compound can do.

    Most recent pic to start off log-


    200ish in this pic. Striations all over,except mid section has not been addressed yet. I was on epiandro for several months prior @ 3-400mgs ED average, but I have been off for about a month prior to this run beginning.

    Bodyfat %

    Won't even get into this pissing match. Striations all over, abs def need some trimming at some point. I am in no hurry. Please no one ask or fight over this.

    I am running 4andro at

    8 caps per day in increments of 3/3/2 on workout days

    6 caps per day in increments of 2/2/2 on NON workout days.

    I am not using HRT, or ANY other testosterone products, prohormones at all during this run.

    I will be using

    1)a preworkout, either Ultimate orange Juiced, or Illicit or both during this run- Workout days only

    2) BLue- My nootropic product

    3) Prescription Nutrition Problend and Whey Protein (blueberry muffin flavor)

    4) Epimedium compounds

    5) liv52

    I will increase calories from 3K ED to at least 4K ED for this run. Percentage wise I am aiming for 45/35/20- Protein @ 45%, Cabrs @ 35%, Fats @ 20%. Again.."AIMING" I will not list specifics I dont have time.

    But alot of chicken breast, eggs, tuna, whole milk, yogurt,peanut butter..oatmeal...all the items you would use during a bulk and that are cost effective. I am shopping primarily at Aldi's for my food. Hate me if you wish,there stuff is not bad at all.


    Lowering rep ranges, increasing rest times. Will be lucky to have 3-4 days per week to the gym. 1 hour at most. Some abs during that time frame. But my goal is to add some size and strength back after recently having leaned out.




    GF will handle fully


    45-60 days TBD


    On or Near DAY 10-12. I have put on about 5lbs so far. Mind you, I was depleted previous as I was leaning out intentionally and now I am "bulking". So diet has improved in that time frame, rest periods have been longer, reps have been less.

    I have noticed better overall mood, energy, oily skin, some red pimples on shoulders, back and arms. I have noticed strength increases and better aggression in the gym. Appetite is a bit better, slight increase in libido for sure. Maybe a bit cranky on the days I take 8caps, slightly more then normal.

    What else?

    I cannot fairly give out estimated strength at this point. The last few months I have been in strict bodybuilding mode, lighter weights, high reps, reps in the 20 range. So my strength is definitely down. So in all fairness, I will see immediate increases in strength regardless..but I can say so far, i do feel stronger from using this product.

    At times I may experiment and empty the caps into powder form and drink an hour before my workout to see if it has any effect. This would be similar to those of you who may have used PROP, Suspension, or chewed up orals hour or two prior to workout to see immediate strength increases.

    This is an experiment. I have never run 4andro SOLO, nor have I run it high dosage. I have no expectations or goals. Just bigger and stronger. Feel free to leave questions. I will be here 2-3 days per week at most to update.

    Thanx everyone.


    "WES15" for 15% off at and"
    National Sponsored Lightweight Strongman Competitor
    Prescription Nutrition Athlete and TEAM REP

  2. #2
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    is the 4 -andro IML brand ur useing??

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Was considering running a couple bottles of this with some epiandro on my next cycle. Physique is looking good Wes. In for this.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  4. #4
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 WesleyInman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noneck View Post
    is the 4 -andro IML brand ur useing??
    Hey man yes this is

    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    Was considering running a couple bottles of this with some epiandro on my next cycle. Physique is looking good Wes. In for this.
    Thank you so much man. That combo seems to be super popular. I may do the same thing after this run. 200mgs of epiandro and 2-300 of 4andro. I see no reason not to do 90 days or more, if money allows. Ty for compliment man..

    Ty to the forum as always for letting me post my logs here.. you guys are awesome as usual



    Tricep Pushdowns




    200(rack) x 10

    Bicep Hammer Curls




    Skullcrushers, super deep extensions (head off bench and lower the bar to the floor and up and back, not above the forehead)




    Preacher Bench





    Wesley Inman Shrugs



    90x20 (holding 2 plates per hand)


    Called it a day, ran out of time.

    Weds- Shoulders/Back

    Dumbell Military





    Pullovers (wide grip, elbows flared out)




    Full extension on all of them

    Ez Curl Seated Military Press (odd grip- hits different heads of the shoulders)




    Seated Pulldowns




    Close Grip Underhand pullups (arching lower body forward to hit back)




    Again ran out of time, called it a day


    On both the last 2 days, I took 8 caps but on the bicep day, I used 3 caps, emptied the caps into my PWO and took 1 hour prior. Today, I tried 5 caps at once, same thing. 1 hour prior.

    I notice immediate strength increases when doing this. I will not do this often since this does not encourage an even blood plasma level, which I find is more important for a better overall gain, but I wanted to see what kind of result I would get.

    I genuinely loved the feeling it gave. I would do this all the time, if money was not an issue.

    None of the weight were remotely close to failure. I went through the workout, nice and slow and controlled reps. All of them went up with ease. I will gradually push the envelope, but I also want to make sure I have a full hour for a session before I do so.

    Bicep day was 45mins, and shoulder day - maybe 30, plus my daughter was with me@ gym, so this was distracting.

    In all honesty, I feel awesome on this compound.

    Nothing new to report, except maybe I am seeing way more hair growth(facial and body) and darkening of the hair. Sleep has been off for 2 days, not sure if it is relative.

    Super motivated to see what happens. Workouts are exciting again. I find a supplement can very often change motivation levels. I am not going to go through the motions on this run, like I have been for some time. This will certainly stimulate new growth.

    See you guys 2morrow. Leg Day.
    Last edited by WesleyInman; 06-03-2015 at 07:18 PM.
    National Sponsored Lightweight Strongman Competitor
    Prescription Nutrition Athlete and TEAM REP

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 VayneZ's Avatar
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    Wes looking SIICCKK bro! I'll be following this man! Niceee

  6. #6
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    Definitely interested in how the new andros work.

  7. #7
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 WesleyInman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
    Wes looking SIICCKK bro! I'll be following this man! Niceee
    Thank you VayneZ and hope ur well man!!!!

    DerekH thank you so much as well man.. much appreciated to see you in here as well!!!!!!!

    Thank you again for everyone following.

    Today is day 14-16...sorry I lost track of the exact day I started, but its like the 2 week mark, give or take.

    Got my products in and grabbed some Osta for a bridge and some epiandro as well. 3 more bottles of 4andro will last me about 30 days more. So for now I know I am going to run this for at least 45 days minimum.

    Leg Day (last Friday)

    Squats (ATG)

    135x20 warmup



    315x10 (hip flexor is bothering me big time)


    405x3..way too much pain..gotta go lower so I dont get injured. Hip Flexor is on fire.

    315x 10- 5 second pauses.

    Here is the depth I got on all of these..This is super old footage, but nonetheless here is average depth just as FYI. Also you may recognize the guy in the video as Iron Mike. Infamous guy from the Youtube video "Worlds Strongest Man IRON MIKE". He actually is a very nice guy and very strong, regardless of that video which though hysterical, is a bit sad..


    Strongman Wesley Inman featuring Iron Mike. Super Deep Squat 405lbs. - YouTube

    Lunges( 45 plate in each hand)

    x100 ft



    Leg Extensions

    Toes in- Toes out- Neutral Positions




    Seated Calf Raises (my own 3 prong calf lifting style)

    1 plate (45) x 20



    Hit some hanging ab raises and called it a day...ran out of time.

    No new updates on the 4-andro. Can't say I am seeing any differences then what I have already commented on. I will weigh in at the end of this week and see where I am at. Not sure I have gained any weight, but I honestly have more energy and feel a bit fuller during the day on this compound. Definitely hair growth is accelerated and oily skin, so for sure it is converting. This is not in doubt one bit.

    Gonna hit chest/traps today..will report back within 24 hours...

    National Sponsored Lightweight Strongman Competitor
    Prescription Nutrition Athlete and TEAM REP

  8. #8
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WesleyInman View Post
    Thank you VayneZ and hope ur well man!!!!

    DerekH thank you so much as well man.. much appreciated to see you in here as well!!!!!!!

    Thank you again for everyone following.

    Today is day 14-16...sorry I lost track of the exact day I started, but its like the 2 week mark, give or take.

    Got my products in and grabbed some Osta for a bridge and some epiandro as well. 3 more bottles of 4andro will last me about 30 days more. So for now I know I am going to run this for at least 45 days minimum.

    Leg Day (last Friday)

    Squats (ATG)

    135x20 warmup



    315x10 (hip flexor is bothering me big time)


    405x3..way too much pain..gotta go lower so I dont get injured. Hip Flexor is on fire.

    315x 10- 5 second pauses.

    Here is the depth I got on all of these..This is super old footage, but nonetheless here is average depth just as FYI. Also you may recognize the guy in the video as Iron Mike. Infamous guy from the Youtube video "Worlds Strongest Man IRON MIKE". He actually is a very nice guy and very strong, regardless of that video which though hysterical, is a bit sad..


    Strongman Wesley Inman featuring Iron Mike. Super Deep Squat 405lbs. - YouTube

    Lunges( 45 plate in each hand)

    x100 ft



    Leg Extensions

    Toes in- Toes out- Neutral Positions




    Seated Calf Raises (my own 3 prong calf lifting style)

    1 plate (45) x 20



    Hit some hanging ab raises and called it a day...ran out of time.

    No new updates on the 4-andro. Can't say I am seeing any differences then what I have already commented on. I will weigh in at the end of this week and see where I am at. Not sure I have gained any weight, but I honestly have more energy and feel a bit fuller during the day on this compound. Definitely hair growth is accelerated and oily skin, so for sure it is converting. This is not in doubt one bit.

    Gonna hit chest/traps today..will report back within 24 hours...

    I see you have a bottle of Osta-RX in the picture. I was totally going to jump on buying some of that until I saw "Fenuside" listed on the ingredient label. I'm stunned.

    Why in the hell would IML, a company that puts out solid products, see fit to put a fenugreek extract (a potent 5ar inhbitor) into an Osta product? It has absolutely no place whatsoever in this product and makes zero sense.

    I was injured from fenugreek to the point that I felt almost as bad as these Post-Finasteride guys do, albeit in a much shorter term. This herb is too risky. They might as well have just added saw palmetto, because it does essentially the same thing as "Fenuside."

    Sorry to hijack your log, Wes, but I was incensed when I saw that label the other day.

    Enjoying watching your progress, bud. Please keep us posted!

  9. #9
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    Regarding the fenugreek... It seems this supplement has recieved a lot of flak lately, especially on this forum. I want to emphasize though that I believe this is largely person-dependent. I've taken fenugreek plenty of times: PP Phyto Test, etc. and have always returned excellent results, at least as far as can be expected from a natty supplement.

    Oh yeah and Wes, will be following along. I've always bee curious what 4-DHEA in a solid moderate/high dose can do. Seems like I remember something about 4-DHEA specifically, that said it more or less has a "cap" on the amount of conversion that can be expected before it starts going towards the path of lesser resistance (ie. estrogens).

  10. #10
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 1 (100%) Freepressright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strong_Guy View Post
    Regarding the fenugreek... It seems this supplement has recieved a lot of flak lately, especially on this forum. I want to emphasize though that I believe this is largely person-dependent. I've taken fenugreek plenty of times: PP Phyto Test, etc. and have always returned excellent results, at least as far as can be expected from a natty supplement.
    It isn't any different than Propecia or Saw Palmetto in that respect. The side effects depend on the person. But if you're sensitive to it, it's going to clobber you in ways that make you miserable. For what marginal benefit it could possible even have in Osta-RX, it isn't worth the risk.

    And the reason fenugreek is receiving a lot of flak as of recent times is that it has finally been realized that it trivially increases free test, typically at the expense of lowering DHT in a lot of people. Having gone through two months of hell after coming off it last year with no libido, no pumps, diminished gains and serious loss of motivation, I wouldn't give it to a rat.

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