Hello guys, I am coming off a cycle of tren, mast and test and I am bridging with 125 mgs of test into PCT which would start in june 14th, that would be a total of 6 months on (too long I know), I used and I am still using hcg, and also will use clomid for PCT.... so everything normal here, right?

Also surprisingly 125 mgs of test e is amazing, libido is way up and I feel better on it that when using above 300 mgs

Now I just purchased 5-HTP because I think that it will help me with depression while on pct, and I started to taking it yesterday just like a normal extra supplement, specially because I suffer from paranoia and manic-intrusive thoughts, This is the first time I take it and I am at 200 mgs per day, but here are a few points that concern me

1.- around 15 minutes after taking it I felt slight/ weird nausea, which last about an hour, I did not pay attention to it at that time

2.- today (2nd day taking it) I felt nausea too but less and I also started to feel weird, like a catch up breath, not sure how to describe it, is like you are normally breathing and then you feel like you want to cough but is just like a missed breath? ( I had this feeling before but it happened to me like once a day and very randomly, this time it persisted for 10 minutes)

3.-Then concerned about this I decided to measure my BP and the results were 135 over 85 thats slightly above normal and while on cycle it was 125 over 65..... but what really concerns me is that the pulse per minute was only 45!..... yes 45, which is incredibly low, Ive always been between 60 and 80, then after eating it went up to 51....

I am worried and I wonder if 5-HTP cause any type of heart damage, Ive read about cardiac fibrosis? what is even worse is that I like how I feel while using 5-htp, I know is too soon but I really feel less worried and more concentrated, I would not like to stop using it, but I am not sure, maybe it was just a coincidence? any advice or experienced users?