Quote Originally Posted by MikePwnzNubs View Post
I was around the primordial performance website but did more research then actual posting there. The website was a wealth of knowledge that I am truly sad to see go. For pro hormones / steroids the only thing I really trusted in my body was the Andro Series. All there products had loads of information to go along with them and they broke down every ingredient so you knew exactly what you were putting into your body. Since they are no more I am little lost on who and what to turn to as nothing really seems to meet the same standards. I'm currently sitting on the 2 Androlean, 2 AndroBulk and 2 Andromass but within the next year or so they will also be no more.

I am a huge fan of the DHEA base and being non-methylated so as you can see these were the premium pick of the crop. I'm really looking for the safest comparable substance, I appreciate a cycle with less side effects and an overall feeling of health rather then a 15/20lb muscle gain that was a complete train ride. The only thing I can really find close that meets this criteria is Forerunner Labs Alpha series, although they don't seem to be a very complete solution, more like something you would add to stack. And there is also the AndroFactory, but considering they ripped off Primordial they will never see a dime from me regardless how close their products are. Any suggestions out there, I'm sure many people are looking for the same thing.

P.S. Great Job on the new website!
If you were looking to unload those andromass bottles I would be interested. I have also been looking for the same solution to an alternative product, and it seems like the alpha series is much more reliable than the andro factory stuff. Basically no reviews on andro factory products aside from the same poster who raids every forum I try to research on...just don't want to buy 4 bottles of alpha mass or alpha bulk and have it still be less effective than andro mass but may be the only option.

Also posted this question on PP's website