Quote Originally Posted by 5 alpha victim View Post
If the main concern you have right now about estrogen is estrogen rebound than perhaps waiting until you are done with Clomid restart to take the AI is the best ?

I'm not to familer with estrogen rebound but if I understand it correctly it's the estrogen rebound effect that takes place after you are done altering your hormone levels. Maybe someone else can confirm or deny that.

Only other insight on it I can offer is at one point during my Clomid restart I added in armidex at a low dose that you are considering and that's actually exactly when I experienced the shrunken dick during my Clomid restart. To this day I wonder if I never added in that armidex if I would have seen the dick shrinking during my Clomid restart.

When I added in the armidex I had no concerns about estrogen other than my estrogen flagging as high on my labs that I was getting to monitor what the Clomid was doing. Me and my endo seen a out of range estrogen reading and combined that with the fact that even At Clomid induced 1000 NG/DL
Total T readings I was still experiencing ED and said ok let's add armidex.

My point is that in my case things took a turn for the worst for me during my Clomid restart once I added in the Armidex. So if I was you don't go by just lab readings or just symptoms. Go by the combination of both of those things to make your decision about adding in a AI. Ohh and u may want to consider trying Res100 for your AI before armidex.

Res100 has had me feeling almost just as good over the last few days as I was feeling on my 6 week DHT pro hormone run. Good Enough to the point where I was tempted to continue to just stay on Res 100 but I said fuck it and now I'm running another DHT prohomones run. I'm curious to see if I'll continue to experience imorovments from additional runs.
How much clomid and arimidex did you take? I'm taking 12.5mg E3D, in the second day I take 0.25mg of adex (Will take even less) after The adex I get really high anxiety for 10minutes and after that I get really good. When I took The second dosage of clomid I got a little bit of brain fog and slept worse but If I take nolva or clomid and let the serm get out of my body I get really better. Will do sometimes with clomid and sometimes with nolva. When I took The first 20mg of nolva my brain fog got 80% and had some libido recover. I wonder what would happen If I had taken just that pill and then less than 0.25mg adex (because this is how I get improvements and stay with a better baseline)