Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
Jel buddy why are you wasting your time on this guy?

Here's a link to one of his first threads here.

No libido after PCT don't know what to do.

He didn't even take finasteride as far as I can tell so there's literally no way to tell what's wrong with him, he clearly piles drugs and herbs on top of this undiagnosed illness and doesn't listen anyway. We've already told him to stop taking the damned drugs blindly like he does and he's in here again, asking about more drugs he's taken without knowing how they work.

*pause for the next torrent of abuse from this joker*
Entropy why don't you mind your own business? You keep posting where I ask things, leave my posts alone, You will have nothing to gain here so why bother?

I really get pissed everytime I see your messages. Seems like you have nothing to do the whole day so you keep searching my messages to say any stupid thing is in your mind. Go get a job or whatever.

Took benzodiapine years ago, was a pothead, tried progesterone and panax ginseng, tried hydrocortisone all these things made me worse. I'm not asking your opinion Entropy actually I don't even read your posts I just answer when you say shit which is quite often but I understand you have nothing to do the whole day.