Product Details:
Alpha Gainz Alpha Andro - The best delivery system for Androsterone Period!

Application details:
1.) How old are you?
2.) Male or Female?
3.) Have you used products containing 1-andro/1-dhea before?
4.) Would you be willing to update your log at least 4 times a week?
5.) What else would you intend to use while logging this product?
6.) Nutrition - Are you eating for bulk, recomp, or cutting?
7.) Do you agree to give a fair product evaluation weekly and at the end of the log?
8.) what is your training style?
9.) Can you post before/after photos?
10.) Links to previous logs or reviews you have done, if any.
11.) if you're new to the forum - please list the other forums you frequent.
12.) list of other forums you would be logging this in