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    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 PolimarT's Avatar
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    PCT or Blast and cruise? does time off time on really matter?

    I really need an honest answer here, please advice

    I am almost off cycle and I am just waiting for the test e to clear my system, but I guess I just have bad luck. Precisely now, I am having emotional issues, everything is f,,,,kd with my emotions and I would really like to know what to do.... because I would love to stay on

    Here is my story: I started going out with a beautiful co worker, it started on a crazy night + drinks + sex so we slept together, and then we were involved in a crazy relationship, she is very complicated and after 2 months we are having issues, I think she is about to leave me, she is so hot and a lot of guys are chasing her, and worst part, shell go camping in 2 weeks with her co worker friends MEN AND WOMEN!!!!! and it sucks because I am a fkn jealous psychopath. I am going crazy and I feel depressed ...... and to make things worse, my girlfriend is acting weird too (yes I am with 2 women, if one woman is complicated now imagine 2! big fkn mistake), now I feel like I am losing them both, I guess I deserve it. but if both leave me I will break like glass ...

    Now lets be honest, PCT sucks so bad... and I know what would happen... I will lose my looks, I will feel weak and emotional, (fk you clomid .... ).... this kind of stuff makes me want to stay on for the entire year, in fact I would love to Blast and cruise for 2 years ......... I know it may be stupid but I am considering this, I would use hcg of course. I wonder if this is a stupid decision because I read so many mixed points of view.... after all suppressed is suppressed no? it does not matter the time on or compound (according to some knowledgeable guys)

    Another option would be to stay on 9 months on go off 2 months at least and take it like a man and then jump back on cycle, tren E ..... Ive been on for 9 months now (after August would be 9 months total) ...... do you think I can go off 2 months and jump again to cycle ? after the trenbolone, I just cruised into test and thats it.... I shared this because I want to justify my decisions... we all know that after cycle you feel extremely depressed... I am scared honestly, if my co worker leaves me, I will see her every fkn day while I am losing my gains.... I would be an average loser while on pct :/

    Adivce: Never, EVER! relate to a co worker, even if she is incredibly hot, trust me, its hell....... so if she spread the legs screaming your name, just say no thanks....
    Last edited by PolimarT; 08-23-2015 at 04:03 PM.
    Tren is like the sweet honey that i would pour into my hotcakes :-) ... Hey! it is golden too :-) <3

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 hossam's Avatar
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    My opinion is go for PCT and use natural products like: ( i don't use HCG, Nolva, Clomid)

    1- Pine Pollen powder large doses
    2- Royal jelly
    3- Sustain Alpha or Res100
    4- ZMA
    5- Fasting at least 12 hours
    6- High protien diet
    7- Multi vitamin
    8- Toco palm (Erics version )
    9- Ashwaghanda

    that is my protocol for PCT and i do keep 80% of my cycle gains with it.

    off time should be when you balance back your hormonal levels and clear out your liver and kidneys
    for mood enhancing :

    1- Source-Naturals-Zembrin
    2- Evomuse Portal Shot Mood Enhancer

    and you are 100% accurate about: never have a relation shit with a co worker!
    I had nearly the same issue before and the results was catastrophic, i ended up loosing my job and 4 days at the prison!
    That is why now whenever i have the time to smoke Hash or weed i will do it
    if not then i go to the mood enhancers
    Good luck my friend and remember when all this issue is finished you will laugh about it!
    Last edited by hossam; 08-24-2015 at 12:05 AM.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 PolimarT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hossam View Post
    My opinion is go for PCT and use natural products like: ( i don't use HCG, Nolva, Clomid)

    1- Pine Pollen powder large doses
    2- Royal jelly
    3- Sustain Alpha or Res100
    4- ZMA
    5- Fasting at least 12 hours
    6- High protien diet
    7- Multi vitamin
    8- Toco palm (Erics version )
    9- Ashwaghanda

    that is my protocol for PCT and i do keep 80% of my cycle gains with it.

    off time should be when you balance back your hormonal levels and clear out your liver and kidneys
    for mood enhancing :

    1- Source-Naturals-Zembrin
    2- Evomuse Portal Shot Mood Enhancer

    and you are 100% accurate about: never have a relation shit with a co worker!
    I had nearly the same issue before and the results was catastrophic, i ended up loosing my job and 4 days at the prison!
    That is why now whenever i have the time to smoke Hash or weed i will do it
    if not then i go to the mood enhancers
    Good luck my friend and remember when all this issue is finished you will laugh about it!
    Thanks for the response my friend,, I will follow your advice and will get some time off.... atleast 3-4 months off cycle and if I can I will take even more time off.

    ive been also training mixed martial arts 3 days a week for 5 months (mostly Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai) plus weight lifting 5 days a week (so after I train MMA I hit the gym so its around 2-3 hours of training (monday wednesday and thursday) this is also a concern because I was on gear so it was easier, but what I will do is: I will eat clean and will try to cut fat as much as I can, I have minimal water retention but abs are still visible.....I will see if I can keep training this way and if for some reason I lose too much weight or energy I may jump on again but I will try to hold on as much as I can.

    I already have ashgwaghanda (great stuff), ZMA and toco-8, will include clomid for this one too just in case

    And as for the advice, yeah I would never do it again.... its not healthy, because you see the fkn woman everyday... I wonder why you ended in prison.... I was almost involved in 2 fights, nobody talks to her anymore.... some guys chase her, but not when I am around..... not saying that I intimidate them, but at least they know about me.
    Last edited by PolimarT; 08-25-2015 at 11:31 PM.
    Tren is like the sweet honey that i would pour into my hotcakes :-) ... Hey! it is golden too :-) <3

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PolimarT View Post
    ive been also training mixed martial arts 3 days a week for 5 months (mostly Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai) plus weight lifting 5 days a week (so after I train MMA I hit the gym so its around 2-3 hours of training (monday wednesday and thursday) this is also a concern because I was on gear so it was easier, but what I will do is: I will eat clean and will try to cut fat as much as I can
    It might be best to keep the fat in the food intake - high Saturated fats are beneficial to hormone production and so is cholesterol. Eggs with a table spoon of butter and a carrot is a great mix for sex hormone production. Sex hormones are fat soluble. High quality, everything organic. If you're going to cut anything from your diet, Sugar and Refined Carbs are your best bet.
    You're right, you'll likely need to cut back on the number of training hours. You'll feel sore now after workouts, one thing that can be used is Sermorelin, only 250 mcgs a day (mornings or just before bed) and your recovery time will be cut substantially, plus, I think it would be beneficial in PCT/Test production. I would stay away from CJC DAC (insulin/glucose issues), and most of the Grehlin Peptides as they could potentially increase your appetite to the point where you over eat. CJC DAC and Grehlin peptides are great but I see them to be used for more specific goals.
    Just some ideas.
    Last edited by silverstrand; 08-26-2015 at 11:45 AM.

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Ippy, I find your post little bit misguiding as lot of issues you mention were present even before starting AAS/PH's, and solving them would take more than just aas, decent PCT or by supplementing.

    I dont want to go into your relationship problems but IMHO it seems that both of you have lot of issues, and there seems to be no basis for long term relationship.

    Time off does matter, and going off for 2 months after long cycle is simply not enough to recover, never mind going on next cycle 2 months after last one.
    There is general formula: time on cycle+ pct= time off , there are of course different opinions on topic, and personally I think you would need at least 3 months PCT and 6 months off, and also needs to be said that too many cycles are usually leading to the HRT/TRT anyway
    So looking at your plans- you may as well stay on cycle, as there is no point in 2 months off and I cant see you doing proper PCT or going off for sufficient time.

    And lastly, I am advocating use of clomid as PCT, I explained my opinion on topic too many times- so if you're interested you can read some of earlier threads on that topic.

    Clomid Nolva PCT

    PCT vs cruising.

    Clomid For Men With Low Testosterone by Jeffrey Dach MD

    PCT Calculator

  6. #6
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 PolimarT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    Ippy, I find your post little bit misguiding as lot of issues you mention were present even before starting AAS/PH's, and solving them would take more than just aas, decent PCT or by supplementing.

    I dont want to go into your relationship problems but IMHO it seems that both of you have lot of issues, and there seems to be no basis for long term relationship.

    Time off does matter, and going off for 2 months after long cycle is simply not enough to recover, never mind going on next cycle 2 months after last one.
    There is general formula: time on cycle+ pct= time off , there are of course different opinions on topic, and personally I think you would need at least 3 months PCT and 6 months off, and also needs to be said that too many cycles are usually leading to the HRT/TRT anyway
    So looking at your plans- you may as well stay on cycle, as there is no point in 2 months off and I cant see you doing proper PCT or going off for sufficient time.

    And lastly, I am advocating use of clomid as PCT, I explained my opinion on topic too many times- so if you're interested you can read some of earlier threads on that topic.

    Clomid Nolva PCT

    PCT vs cruising.

    Clomid For Men With Low Testosterone by Jeffrey Dach MD

    PCT Calculator
    Thanks,Jellisej, Ive also read your discussion with Rodja in some other thread, both of you are very knowledgeable, but I think you are a little bit conservative, as oppossed to Rodja or some other users with a lot of experience as you.... not saying that you are wrong actually you are one of the most knowledgeable guys in the forum, but modern science has been proving that suppression is reversible even after years using gear.... Even William Llewellyn says that suppression is also reversible.... there are also some studies of GnRH use for PCT with good results... of course there is always a risk but gear usage is so big and still havent seen any official case of permanent suppression. Of course steroids are not 100% safe, but I am not talking about blast 3 months and cruise 1 month, Actually I would say that you canblast 2 - 3 months and cruise for 6 months without problems (cruise on TRT dose of course)

    Anyways, I am not an expert, so I could be wrong.
    Last edited by PolimarT; 08-25-2015 at 11:49 PM.
    Tren is like the sweet honey that i would pour into my hotcakes :-) ... Hey! it is golden too :-) <3

  7. #7
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PolimarT View Post
    Thanks,Jellisej, Ive also read your discussion with Rodja in some other thread, both of you are very knowledgeable, but I think you are a little bit conservative, as oppossed to Rodja or some other users with a lot of experience as you.... not saying that you are wrong actually you are one of the most knowledgeable guys in the forum, but modern science has been proving that suppression is reversible even after years using gear.... Even William Llewellyn says that suppression is also reversible.... there are also some studies of GnRH use for PCT with good results... of course there is always a risk but gear usage is so big and still havent seen any official case of permanent suppression. Of course steroids are not 100% safe, but I am not talking about blast 3 months and cruise 1 month, Actually I would say that you canblast 2 - 3 months and cruise for 6 months without problems (cruise on TRT dose of course)

    Anyways, I am not an expert, so I could be wrong.

    I don't think Jel would ever condone something that could be considered risky unless it were necessary and then he'd suggest the safest route possible. It's how we tend to do things here.
    There are definitely guys like Rodja who are pretty hardcore but they're also smart and I'm pretty sure they'd never encourage anyone else to do what they do.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  8. #8
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    I don't think Jel would ever condone something that could be considered risky unless it were necessary and then he'd suggest the safest route possible. It's how we tend to do things here.
    There are definitely guys like Rodja who are pretty hardcore but they're also smart and I'm pretty sure they'd never encourage anyone else to do what they do.
    Well said, "I don't think Jel would ever condone something that could be considered risky unless it were necessary and then he'd suggest the safest route possible" - that pretty much sum it up.

    Regarding Rodja- as far as I remeber he was serious lifter, and he set his goals very high, and he was very determined and committed, he was on cycle for 2 years or so, and if I remeber correctly he expected to recover afterwards, but was not too worried if he goes to TRT/HRT afterwards- and we dont know what really happened so we cant make any conclusion, but his statistics, goals and determination puts him in different league altogether and any comparison between him and most of other members here (especially Ippy) is nonsense, and taking him as example is wrong (and actually this was main debate between him and me).

    Now back to Ippy (or PolimarT)- I still dont see a point in going of cycle for 2 months and going back, and if you're convinced that supression does not exist than it just make more sense to stay on.

    Another thing with suppression and recovery- suppression is mostly reversible but to what level one will recover is question, and from my experience vast majority do recover but their T level are not quite what they used to be, there are exceptione and some dont recover and there were cases where t levels were better than before but for majority t levels slowly diminish, it would be good to hear opinion on this- we have quite few folks here...
    Last edited by Jelisej; 08-27-2015 at 07:34 AM.

  9. #9
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 PolimarT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
    Well said, "I don't think Jel would ever condone something that could be considered risky unless it were necessary and then he'd suggest the safest route possible" - that pretty much sum it up.

    Regarding Rodja- as far as I remeber he was serious lifter, and he set his goals very high, and he was very determined and committed, he was on cycle for 2 years or so, and if I remeber correctly he expected to recover afterwards, but was not too worried if he goes to TRT/HRT afterwards- and we dont know what really happened so we cant make any conclusion, but his statistics, goals and determination puts him in different league altogether and any comparison between him and most of other members here (especially Ippy) is nonsense, and taking him as example is wrong (and actually this was main debate between him and me).

    Now back to Ippy (or PolimarT)- I still dont see a point in going of cycle for 2 months and going back, and if you're convinced that supression does not exist than it just make more sense to stay on.

    Another thing with suppression and recovery- suppression is mostly reversible but to what level one will recover is question, and from my experience vast majority do recover but their T level are not quite what they used to be, there are exceptione and some dont recover and there were cases where t levels were better than before but for majority t levels slowly diminish, it would be good to hear opinion on this- we have quite few folks here...
    I am not sure what you think about me, and whatever it is would be ok since I dont feel like I need to impress you or anyone else here (unless you have a V and big boobs) and I dont think I need to prove anything to justify my desicions of staying on. However, I think that it is unfair to say that I am not dedicated or "not a serious lifter" or whatever. I train enough, and I am actually proud of my current physique, not natural, yes, but who cares? most of you are users too.

    you know, it is very consuming when you train Muay thai and jiu jitsu, then you get sore (after a sparring, believe me you get rally tired, when someone throw kicks to the body or legs, it hurts and get you tired) just to lift weights 15 minutes after... I only do this 3 days a week, and then 2 days I lift weights with my gf.... of course, I am not an expert in mixed martial arts, Ive been training for 5 months so its nothing. But I dont think that most guys would endure that training, honestly.... is just..... different, so that is also one of the reasons I would like to stay on, to have the same endurance that I have, now I am getting off cycle so I will just hope to stay focused and motivated, and also I love the overall wellbeing and confidence that gear gives me

    I respect you Jelisej, but I want to make everything clear, since the first post of this thread Ive only got 2 or 3 positive answers, which is ridiculous, I am a very busy guy and I really dont have time for this sht, so to all of the guys that post negative comments, just respond to the answer or just dont... maybe before I had more free time to argue, but I work, I train 2 or 3 hours a day, and then get consumed by 2 fkn women, so I really dont have time ... my question means what it means, is blast and cruise better than cycling? If I posted more than I should, it is because I like to share what I feel exactly. but on a second thought I may not post here anymore. I actually stopped posting for a long time because of the same reason...... maybe that is the reason why the cool guys that I used to like dont post in here anymore, fkn sucks to see that the majority of the posters are just chasing to spread hate.... I mean where are the cool guys like DJ, Weekend, Broly, Rodja, Infamy, etc ?

    Anyways, Jelisej, thanks for the response, it was useful, as I said before you are one of the few guys that I really respect, so your opinions are always good will keep getting more information, as for now, I made the decision to stay off as much as I can. I would also like to thank Hossam and silverstrand.
    Last edited by PolimarT; 08-29-2015 at 12:30 AM.
    Tren is like the sweet honey that i would pour into my hotcakes :-) ... Hey! it is golden too :-) <3

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