I have 6 weeks of SSL EPI hardcor 2, 2 bottles of AH and AL version 3, and 2 bottles of AndroEnhance. As the thread says, not sure how I want to stack them. I have been lurking around a few boards for some ideas and the combo of EPI and AH sounds like it may be too dry on the joints; AL and EPI would be a better run. Any suggestions?

Stats- 24 years old, 6’ 1” 195lbs 11-12% BF

History: Started at 21, off and on, always with PCT. No issues, besides legarthy while running on the treadmill (knock on wood) but have used EPI mostly and have bridged/stacked with Tren a few times. Tried AH with Tren last fall and fell in love with PP’s AH and I don’t want to stack anything without their products. (sorry to hear about their closing by the way) Stocked up on AH/AL/ and AE just before the raid, and have about 45 days worth of EPI left over from a year ago.