Hey guys,

I noticed that in the last month i've begun shaving higher and higher and the missus has started picking hairs from my cheekbone area! This doesn't much bother me but i'm a curious chap and after an hour of searching the web i see that lots of opinions differ on what activates greater beard growth and what makes it thicker.

The general opinion seems to be that DHT activates hair follicles (body and beard hair) and testosterone makes it grow thicker and perhaps faster.

The only thing i've really been doing differently this past 6 weeks is A- taking citrulline malate and B- eating sorghum flour daily.

I started eating more and more sorghum to see if i could raise DHT to a point that i felt the difference. I've definitely felt significantly more energy etc. but that could be from the citrulline which i've become a big fan of.

I'm wondering whether all the guys here that ramp up DHT with PHs experience these kind of changes in beard growth? This would obviously indicate that DHT creates more beard/body hair and confirm that i've naturally raised my own DHT likely via sorhham. FYI i've always taken sorghum, but only a very small amount in distilled syrup form with coffee. Only just started making daily pancakes with the stuff as an experiment.

Care to comment?