So I've been back at the gym now and I thought I would start posting again. I'm going to log in shaa Allah my diet, training, and notes in the hopes that it helps other people and shows things that work that might not be usual for people to do or gives some people ideas.

Basic run down of where things have been going.

April last year my daughter was born, stopped all gear cold, didn't go to the gym and took care of wife and daughter, during this time I went from about 195lbs down to around 165lbs, I'm 5'6" according to bmi like my high end weight should be around 155lbs. I don't know how anyone could get their except that I was anorexic and so that's the only way I can see someone at least with my build running around at 125-155.

Anyway daughter got old enough now so I'm back in the gym. In two months went from 165lbs back up to about 206lbs with bf on calipers showing 16%-18%bf. Now I lose bodyfat really quickly and so I try to keep my bodyfat higher because if I don't I've found it makes me feel kinda sick and light headed. Anyway I've stopped gaining weight and I've been in a holding pattern around 203lbs-206lbs.

The freaky thing here is without gear I'm bigger than I was on gear last time. My arms when I was eating a ton were up to 17", chest was like 46", quad around 27". If anyone remembers I struggled with my arms and the biggest before was 16.25". I think the size is from training three days a week, and doing a few sets of arms throughout the week and not being stressed about my growth.

Anyway to finish up that long story. I'm wondering what you guys think.

Should I keep around my weight and let my body fat come down while I keep training.

Bulk up some more to around 225lbs.

Or some other idea.

I'm inclined to bulk some more and then cut down around June in shaa Allah.

My diet is basically:

Sun, Tues, wed, fri, sat:

300g protein
800-1000g carbs
100-150g fat

Mon, thurs:

230g protein
250g carbs
75-90g fat

I supplement with:

Workout days:
(1.6g orthinine
2.6g arginine
10.5 creatine
3.2g lysine
2.6g glycine
11g bcaa
120g maltodextrin
9g fish oil)

Off days:
10g creatine

Workouts are every mon, wed, fri.
Workout plan is a custom plan from Neil Hill and Y3T style.

All the best guys I'll try to keep this updated if you have any questions let me know.