

175lbs X 5
160lbs X 10 (3 more in reserve)
135lbs X 13 (3 more in reserve



145lbs X 6
135lbs X 12 (3 more in reserve)
105lbs X 16 (3 more in reserve)

Bent row:


155lbs X 5
140lbs X 12 (3 more in reserve)
115lbs X 18 (3 more in reserve)

Warmups on there are their own things I didn't list their weights but it follows a 5, 5, 5, 3, 2 rep scheme. The list weights with sets are the actual working sets.

Alright alhamdulilah (praise god), that's the last workout for Ramadan and the first time I've made it through the whole month of Ramadan working out. Ramadan is the month of fasting, no food, water, sex, bad manners from sun up to sun down, I usually workout right before the time to break fast.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the app is doing as those reps were low, the weight was low as well. I think the app got confused because it told me to change phases from heavier weight for 8-12 reps but only one set, to slightly less weight for three sets of fifteen or more. So I failed pretty good and so now it probably thinks I'm all gimpy and need a break.

Food for the day is as follows for those interested:

2,087 calories
135g protein
46g carbs (18 of which are fiber)
161g fat


5g creatine
5g beta-alanine
250mg resveratrol
1 animal pak

Going up to maintenance calories from a deficit has given me more energy, helped with muscle recovery but I haven't seen any weight change, it's only been a few days so I'll see what's up later in shaa Allah, I hope to gain about 1lb or around there per week. I plan to average the week out to give me how much I'm gaining and I'll probably adjust at two weeks or a month in shaa Allah.