Hi All,

I often read but it takes a long time I didn't post here.

I'm in TRT since several months because my test level in blood was highly low.

Here are my stats :
Age : 47
Weight : 82kg
BF : about 11-12%
Height : 6'1

5 workouts/week + 2x30mn of bike/cardio
Diet on top (followed by a very good coach ;-) )

I still have some T-Bol pills from a friend (he sold me them one year ago but I never tried them).
My TRT is based on Test enanthate with 250mg EOW.

I'd like to know if it would be a good idea to add (I'd say) 50mg of T-Bol ED for 4 up to 6 weeks (with liver protection of course) ?
I think I don't need any PCT after my cycle as I'm on TRT all along the year ?

Do the TBol can bring me something interesting in 4-6 weeks ? Do I need AI during this cycle ?

I know that the best solution should be to add Test-e dosage but I don't want to distort the results of my next blood work (in 3 months)

Thanks for your help