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Thread: My pfs battle

  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Stop the trib if it's giving you that much trouble. DON'T stop the others.....that would be silly and a waste of your time.

    I prefer cold showers because they offer more benefits then just icing the balls, but hey, whatever knocks your socks off.

    Your hormones aren't going to be "ready" for herbs without taking the herbs. THEY are what bring your hormones back online....slowly. If I had to make a guess, I'd say you were not rotating the trib properly. One dose weekly at minimum should not give you all of those side effects. I'm betting you were taking it more often than you are admitting.
    No, I was taking once every two weeks it was 1/6 or 1/8 of a pill. I noticed I felt my ball sore, insomnia, anxious, depressed. The same thing I noticed with Clomid. What I was reading and checking bloodtest of other guys, is that tribulus Works by blocking estrogen (receptor maybe?) and it then increase LH, FSH and testosterone. But if you take too much or too often your estrogen will be high and then one of the two things would happen (tribulus won't work or it would make me and others worse).

    This is common with Clomid that is way stronger than tribulus. Usually people need to stay away until the estrogen decrease, so it would be ok to take again and feel the benefits.

    It seems tongkat ali does the same, but I'm not sure.

    I think in this case me and others need to do two things, stop tribulus to let the body restart the hormones and then take a weaker tribulus or weaker herb. I was looking for maca but I don't know how it works.

    Cd, could vou tell me the strongest herb you took and the weaker?

  2. #132
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazilianguy View Post
    No, I was taking once every two weeks it was 1/6 or 1/8 of a pill. I noticed I felt my ball sore, insomnia, anxious, depressed. The same thing I noticed with Clomid. What I was reading and checking bloodtest of other guys, is that tribulus Works by blocking estrogen (receptor maybe?) and it then increase LH, FSH and testosterone. But if you take too much or too often your estrogen will be high and then one of the two things would happen (tribulus won't work or it would make me and others worse).

    This is common with Clomid that is way stronger than tribulus. Usually people need to stay away until the estrogen decrease, so it would be ok to take again and feel the benefits.

    It seems tongkat ali does the same, but I'm not sure.

    I think in this case me and others need to do two things, stop tribulus to let the body restart the hormones and then take a weaker tribulus or weaker herb. I was looking for maca but I don't know how it works.

    Cd, could vou tell me the strongest herb you took and the weaker?
    No...I can't.

    Firstly, I have way too many other things to attend to besides listing the perceived strength and weakness of each herb. This isn't what your focus should be on.

    Secondly, I don't think you get it. It's not about what herbs are in your rotation, for the most all. The benefits of the herbs come from rotating as many of them as you can WHILE doing EVERYTHING else listed in the protocol. You have WAY to much focus on Trib, for some strange reason.

    And please, stop comparing Tribulus to Clomid. It's ridiculous.

    So to think that by taking an 1/8 of a Trib pill, every 14 days caused you all of these issues? Come on dude.

    You need to stop focusing so much on something that isn't important in the overall scheme of things. In the other group I don't think I heard someone say Tribulus so much in such a short amount of time as I have from you. STOP!!!

    It's just not necessary.

    One herb per day for either a seven, fourteen or twenty one day cycle......THAT'S IT. The combination of these things along with the rest of the protocol is what is going to fix you. To put so much importance on one herb is nonsense.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 02-18-2021 at 05:35 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #133
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    @Brazilianguy, sorry to say, but are you struggling with PFS since 2016? I just came back in the 1st page of this thread and you were still comparing tribulus with clomid, not in this words, but with the same speech, doing micromanagment and worryng too much about It.

    Hope you get better soon Man.

  4. #134
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    I think this one of the most unfortunate effect of the PFS battle: you become an extremely high inhibition person
    The opposite of a cool calm and collected male in control. Self-doubt creeps in way quicker for us.

    Brazilian guy do you have any penis shrinkage?

  5. #135
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude1988 View Post
    I think this one of the most unfortunate effect of the PFS battle: you become an extremely high inhibition person
    The opposite of a cool calm and collected male in control. Self-doubt creeps in way quicker for us.

    Brazilian guy do you have any penis shrinkage?
    It is the EXACT opposite......literally. And we try not to talk so much about the problems here rather, the solution to those problems. Most guys have most symptoms or a grab bag of them all, and really, it doesn't matter. The answer to ALL the issues are the same anyway.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  6. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    Peanuts? Man, this sounds like analysis paralysis to me, could be you just hit another downswing instead of the actual peanuts causing that....if you're really "crashing" from peanuts, you need to do a water fast for a week or a juice feast for two, and get that system cleansed out. That's an extremely unstable environment you have going there if peanuts are crashing you.
    Would you suggest a fucking fast prejudice feast to every ducking disease known!!

  7. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    No...I can't.

    Firstly, I have way too many other things to attend to besides listing the perceived strength and weakness of each herb. This isn't what your focus should be on.

    Secondly, I don't think you get it. It's not about what herbs are in your rotation, for the most all. The benefits of the herbs come from rotating as many of them as you can WHILE doing EVERYTHING else listed in the protocol. You have WAY to much focus on Trib, for some strange reason.

    And please, stop comparing Tribulus to Clomid. It's ridiculous.

    So to think that by taking an 1/8 of a Trib pill, every 14 days caused you all of these issues? Come on dude.

    You need to stop focusing so much on something that isn't important in the overall scheme of things. In the other group I don't think I heard someone say Tribulus so much in such a short amount of time as I have from you. STOP!!!

    It's just not necessary.

    One herb per day for either a seven, fourteen or twenty one day cycle......THAT'S IT. The combination of these things along with the rest of the protocol is what is going to fix you. To put so much importance on one herb is nonsense.
    I want to shit E On your face you cu t
    You knew Clomid was stronger and more effective but you coukdntnbankmany monetarily that you yank piece of shot

    Hope ducking China nukes you cunts

  8. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
    If you've been throwing down SERMs and other pharms to try to remedy this, yes you need to do a lengthy fast to make your system healthy enough to respond again.
    What the fuck isnwro.h with seems you cunt

    Clomid is ducking more effective than rotating stimulus and tongkatbfirmlow testosterone you fucking spastic

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